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Volume 6, Issue 5 (Suppl)
J Nurs Care
ISSN: 2167-1168 JNC, an open access journal
Nurse Practitioner Conference 2017
September 28-29, 2017
September 28-29, 2017 Dubai, UAE
World Nurse Practitioner Conference
Work samples application at a psychiatric clinic of a university hospital in nursing services
Eda Kes
Karabük University, Turkey
In health care services, requirements for patient focused, timely, high-quality care are increasing. Nursing
services that constitute the most important source of health care services intend to employ the right number of qualified
nurses and to conduct their activities more efficiently and economically. For these reasons, it is necessary to know the nursing
workload requirements for direct patient care and to estimate the actual staff needs, the proportion of the nursing workload
devoted to other activities and how it can change throughout the day.
The purpose of this study is to determine the definition, distribution and rates of the nurses' direct, indirect care and
other nursing activities in a psychiatric clinic.
The descriptive study was carried out after obtaining the permission of Ethics committee and the institution in
Hacettepe University Hospitals Psychiatry Clinic. Data form and psychiatric nursing activities job sampling observation form
were used as the data collection tool for demographic information of the nurses. The activities performed by the nurses working
in the psychiatric clinic were recorded for 3 months at 20 minute intervals after the pilot observations and during the day shift
(08-16), evening and night shifts (16-24, 24-08).
A total of 2,686 nursing activities were observed. It was determined that 39% of the nurses time were directed to
nursing activities during the 8-16 day shifts and 16-24 evening shifts and 33% of the nurses time were directed to patient
care activities during the 24-08 night shifts. The time allocated for indirect nursing activities took second place with close
percentages in every 3 shifts. The maximum time allocated for personal activities was determined as 24-08 night shift.
In this study, it was observed that the nurses devote most of their time to direct care activities carried out with
patients and/or their families and to indirect nursing activities including the coordination and preparation of the services. The
study provides basic data’s for psychiatric clinics to determine the parameters to support the correct employment process of
nurses and to further research.
Eda Kes is committed to highest standard of excellence at Nursing, Karabük University in Turkey. Eda has gained a plethora of knowledge in related field. Her
international experience includes various programs, contributions to reputed journals and participation in different international conferences in diverse fields of
eda.kes19@gmail.comEda Kes, J Nurs Care 2017, 6:5 (Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2167-1168-C1-052