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Volume 6, Issue 5 (Suppl)

J Nurs Care

ISSN: 2167-1168 JNC, an open access journal

Nurse Practitioner Conference 2017

September 28-29, 2017



September 28-29, 2017 Dubai, UAE



World Nurse Practitioner Conference

Pain beliefs of chronic headache patients: A focus group study

Burcu Babadag

Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Turkey

Statement of the Problem:

The pain beliefs are the basis of the system of person’s thought and this concept is based on

subjective experiences and notifications. For this reason, there is need for qualitative works which are related with pain beliefs

and are explained verbal statements of pain patients. This study was designed to explore the origin of the pain beliefs of chronic

headache patients.

Methodology & Theoretical Orientation:

This qualitative research has been designed using a case study method. Selected

using the criterion sampling method, patients consisted of a total of 6 chronic headache patients in algology outpatient clinic at

Eskişehir Osmangazi University Hospital in Turkey. These datas were collected using focus group methods between November



and January 29


2017. Data were obtained using a semi-structured interview form composed of 9 open-ended questions.

The focus group interview was conducted in a single session with a duration of approximately 60 minutes and were used

voice recording. The focus group interview was conducted with a manager, a rapporteur and an observer, all of whom were

researchers. Data was evaluated both a descriptive and content analysis. Ethical approval for the study and informed consent

of the individuals included in the study were obtained.


Chronic headache patient's views on why they live pain and which beliefs they have about origin of the pain are

presented in Table 1. This theme is composed of the following 3 sub-themes: (i) organic belifes, (ii) psychological beliefs and

(iii) environmental beliefs. Patient's beliefs related to organic beliefs were grouped under the sub-theme organic beliefs, with

patient’s most frequently cited genetics (familial) and than physiological needs, tissue damage, surgery, and heavy lifting.

Patient’s beliefs related to psychological beliefs were grouped under the sub-theme psychological beliefs, with patient’s most

frequently cited stress and than sadness and sensitive personality traits.

Conclusion & Significance:

It is suggested to take pain beliefs differences and qualitative researches into consideration in the

management of pain in nursing care.


Burcu Babadag has worked as a researh assistant at Eskişehir Osmangazi University,Nursing Departmentin Turkey. PhD Degree: Eskişehir Osmangazi University,

Institute of Health Sciences. Nursing Department (2014) Master Degree: Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Institute of Health Sciences. Surgical Nursing Department

(2012-2014). Her master thesis is “The Relationship Between Pain Beliefs and Coping With Pain of Algology Patient's" Bachelors’s Degree: Hacettepe University,

Faculty of Health Science, Nursing Department. Burcu have published about pain, pain beliefs and nursing managements on pain as a young researcher in reputed

journals such as Pain Management Nursing, Clinical Rheumatology.

Burcu Babadag, J Nurs Care 2017, 6:5 (Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2167-1168-C1-052