Page 44
Volume 8
Journal of Novel Physiotherapies
ISSN: 2165-7025
Novel Physiotherapies 2018
March 19-20,, 2018
March 19-20, 2018 | Berlin, Germany
International Conference and Expo on
Novel Physio
Physical benefits of prayers strengthen your faith and fitness
Ghazal Kamran
Al-Ain Hospital, UAE
rayer benefits will make the human body of the sporting and the exercise aspects will be discussed. Salah (prayer) is
performed by Muslim believers and spiritual benefits of prayer (Salah) it has been widely recognized however many health
care providers are unaware that process of praying promotes many physical benefits which can be used for effective exercise
prescription in dynamic ways. Prayers require the worshiper to move through several distinct bodily postures while reciting
specific supplications. Body goes through a unique exercise during the Salah. So, person gets a flexible and healthy body.
Salah (prayer) must be performed at least five times a day by Muslim believers, consists of 40 rakaats. It involves with physical
activities which include standing, bowing, prostration and sitting consecutively. Each position involves the movement of
different parts of the human body in ways that encourage health and wellbeing. Salah consists of rakaats, each rakaat being
a series of 7 postures. For example, before sunrise, 2 rakaats or 14 postures must be performed. Thus each Muslim is under
obligation to perform 119 postures per day that is 3750 postures per month and 42,840 postures per year. Suppose, if we live
up to an average of 50 years, Salah being obligatory from the age of 10 years, we would have performed 1,713,600 postures
compulsorily in this lifetime. Each Rakka lasts between 3 and 6 minutes & energy cost of 2 and 4 Rakka prayers found to have
a positive effect on metabolic function. For an 80 kg person, energy cost of daily prayers was about 80 calories a day, and could
be considered a form of physical activity that enhances fitness. Salah postures are similar to yogic postures and therefore Salah,
while being performed as a religious obligation, can simultaneously give all the benefits of yoga. Prayer movement direction
outside of worship, there are benefits circulatory, respiratory, digestive, nervous, and to the hormonal system.
Ghazal Kamran is working at Al Ain Hospital (AAH), UAE since September 2010 as Senior Physiotherapist and she has completed her Bachelor in Physiotherapy in
2003 from University of Karachi and started her professional career fromAga Khan University Hospital AKUH Karachi, Pakistan where she worked for six years, she
moved to UAE in 2010. She is a Team leader for Cardiac rehabilitation, Intensive Care Physiotherapy and Diabetes program in AAH. Her areas of special interests
are Cardiac Rehabilitation, Integrated Chronic Disease Management, Intensive Care Physiotherapy, Health Promotion and Fitness. She has also participated as a
speaker at Middle East Rehab conference and in different forums gkamran@seha.aeGhazal Kamran, J Nov Physiother 2018, Volume 8
DOI: 10.4172/2165-7025-C1-023