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Volume 8
Journal of Novel Physiotherapies
ISSN: 2165-7025
Novel Physiotherapies 2018
March 19-20,, 2018
March 19-20, 2018 | Berlin, Germany
International Conference and Expo on
Novel Physio
Assessment of the Q-angle in basketball players
Tasheva Rumiana and Mitrev Georgi
National Sports Academy “Vassil Levsky”- Sofia, Bulgaria Physical Therapy Department
The Q-angle is presented as an etiological factor for valgus stress in knee. Increasing the Q-angle leads to
excessive lateral pulling of the patella and patellofemoral dysfunctions [1, 2, 3, 4]. Different starting positions for Q-angle
measurement are tracked by Smith [5].
The purpose
of this study was to measure the Q-angle in basketball players and to track the changes in its values after
physiotherapy. Participants and Methods: During the period 2013 - 2016 were tested 65 healthy active basketball players
from Basketball Club “Rilski sportist” – Samokov and National Bulgarian Basketball Team. The athletes were divided into 3
groups: 22 players in the first Control Group (CG) with average 20, 9 years; Working group 1 (1WG) with average 21, 7 years;
21 players in Working Group 2 (WG2) with average 15, 6 years. Q - angle was measured from a supine and standing positions.
Physiotherapy with prevention targeting was applied at WG1 and WG2. Results: According to the comparative analysis the
negative differences of the right leg in supine and of the left lower limb in standing (-0,3; -0,2) were statistically significant
at the t-criterion over the critical (t = 2,32 ; t = 2.16) and a guarantee probability P (t)> 95%. For the 1WG, the difference
d=0,4° (t=2,61, P (t) = 98 %) for the left lower limb in supine and the difference d=0,9° (t= 3,36, P (t) = 99%) in standing were
statistically significant. Similar results were seen in adolescents’ basketball players. Conclusions: The results of the 1WG and
2WG at the final measurement are at the 12° limit for men, which proves that the use of physiotherapy for prevention has a
positive effect on reducing and control the Q-angle in healthy basketball players.
Key words:
basketball, Q-angle, physiotherapy
Recent publications
1. Biedert R, Warnke K (2001) Correlation between the Q angle and the patella position: a clinical and axial computed
tomography evaluation. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery Journal, Springer-Verlag, vol. 121, p. 346–349.
2. Emami M, et al (2007) Q-angle: an invaluable parameter for evaluation of anterior knee pain. Archive of Iranian
Medicine, vol. 10, p. 24–26.
3. Palastanga N, Soames R (2012) Anatomy and human movement-sixth edition. Churchill Livingston, Elsevier, p. 18-19,
4. Tasheva R (2005) Kinesitherapeutic behavior after bone-patellar tendon-bone arthroscopic reconstruction of the anterior
cruciate ligament in athletes. Dissertation, National Sports Academy, Sofia, p. 7-12.
5. Smith T, Hunt N, Donell S (2008) The reliability and validity of the Q-angle: a systematic review. Knee Surgery Sports
Traumatology Arthroscopy, Springer-Verlag vol. 16, p.1068-1079.
Rumiana Tasheva is Assoc. Prof. of Physical Therapy at the National Sports Academy (NSA). The Chairperson of the Bulgarian Organization for Sports
Physiotherapy, which she founded in 2000. The core group member and a researcher in the European Sports Physiotherapy For All project. PhD thesis with the
subject “Physiotherapy after Arthroscopic Reconstruction of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament”. Educated in 23 courses with national and international lecturers.
Clinical experience in orthopedic, traumatology and neurological diseases since 33 years. During the period 1984-1993 the regional coordinator for treatment and
prevention of spinal, chest and foot deformities. Over 40 publications in the field of physiotherapy.
rumiana_tasheva@yahoo.comTasheva Rumiana et al., J Nov Physiother 2018, Volume 8
DOI: 10.4172/2165-7025-C1-023