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Volume 8
Journal of Novel Physiotherapies
ISSN: 2165-7025
Novel Physiotherapies 2018
March 19-20,, 2018
March 19-20, 2018 | Berlin, Germany
International Conference and Expo on
Novel Physio
J Nov Physiother 2018, Volume 8
DOI: 10.4172/2165-7025-C1-024
2017 scientific research on effect of wearable posture products & foot orthotics in muscular skeletal
Romina Ghassemi
n 2017 your patient demographic’s common denominator is not the flue, technology induces symptomatology, silently
robbing ones health and wellness, a precursor or degenerative arthritis. Prolonged Texting, Computer use, Standing, Sitting
or Driving is causing a rise in loss of time from work, increase pain, and accelerating rate of Degenerative Spinal Joint diseases.
Learn the clinical presentation, evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of an unhealthy biomechanics and its impact on muscle
firing. The compound effect of Gait interruption and Poor Posture in most recent sEMG studies, can impact the response of the
body in the rate of muscle fatigue, balance and overall response to physical rehabilitation, biomechanics change and alter the
course of daily wear and tear on the joints, discs and muscular system. A different approach to patient’s care and the impact of
the biomechanics Kinetic chain and its, functional expression from Feet to Head. Learn the basic steps of patient consultation,
bio-mechanical examination, and incorporation of a conservative treatment plan in reducing the underlying cause of spinal
symptoms and long term degenerative changes. This work shop, is designed to be informative and usable in clinical practice
for Orthopaedic and Sports Physicians, Physical therapists, Podiatrists, Chiropractors, Occupational therapists, Professional
Trainers. Note links are available to attending participants.