Page 71
Volume 8
Journal of Novel Physiotherapies
ISSN: 2165-7025
Novel Physiotherapies 2018
March 19-20,, 2018
March 19-20, 2018 | Berlin, Germany
International Conference and Expo on
Novel Physio
J Nov Physiother 2018, Volume 8
DOI: 10.4172/2165-7025-C1-024
Physiological and physical implications of poor breathing patterns on the musculoskeletal system
Tania Clifton-Smith
BradCliff Breathing Partner, Breathing Works, New Zealand
his case-based presentation explores the recent interest in the relationship between correct breathing and a number
of physiological variables important to physiotherapy practice. Until recently, physiotherapists had not drawn the link
between breathing and posture, spinal stabilization, cardiovascular and lymphatic flow and abdominal and bowel movement,
but recent research suggests that breathing plays an integral part in normalizing these physiological functions. Three case
studies will be used to illustrate some of the diverse potential of incorporating breathing-based rehabilitation into treatment
programs for patients with poor spinal health and upper limb non-injury based dysfunction. Data drawn from these cases will
show how correct breathing can improve spinal stabilization, reduce pain and improve functional movement. Alter accessory
respiratory muscle dominant motor patterns that perpetuate upper limb, neck and shoulder dysfunction.