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Volume 3

October 03-04, 2018 Osaka, Japan

Pediatric Neurology & Medicine



International conference on



, N





Neuroimaging 2018

October 03-04, 2018

J Pediatr Neurol Med 2018, Volume 3

DOI: 10.4172/2472-100X-C1-003

Assessment for brain damage of carbon monoxide poisoning at different clinical stages with

diffusion kurtosis imaging

Yanli Zhang, Tianhong Wang and Junqiang Lei

The First Hospital of Lan Zhou University, China


im is to investige the value of DKI on the damage of brain at different clinical stages after CO poisoning. 79 MRI scans

were performed in 58 patients with CO intoxication and 21 controls. The patients were further classified into three groups:

Acute group, Delayed Neuropsychiatric Sequelae(DNS) group and chronic group. The DKI parameter values of the four regions

of interest were compared among the four groups. In the globus pallidus, MK was 1.51±0.15, 1.07±0.11 and 0.59±0.11 in the

acute phase, DNS phase and chronic phase, respectively, and it was significantly higher in the acute phase than in the control

group (1.06±0.06, P<0.05), significantly lower in chronic phase than DNS phase and control group (P<0.05). For the semi-

oval center and the corpus callosum, the MK were increased progressively in acute and DNS phase, especially in DNS phase

(P<0.05). It was not significantly reduced until chronic phase. DKI can quantitatively evaluate the changes of brain gray matter

microarchitecture after CO poisoning, which is helpful to understand the characteristics of brain injury of CO poisoning in

different clinical stages from the microscopic level.