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Volume 21

International Journal of Emergency Mental

Health and Human Resilience

ISSN: 1522-4821

Mental Health 2019

March 07-08, 2019

March 07-08, 2019 | Barcelona, Spain



International Conference on

Mental Health and Human Resilience

Protecting our youth: Conversion therapy & institutional abuse

Samantha I Gerson



nstitutional abuse is a national epidemic that our country has chosen to ignore. Many parents send their children

to Residential Treatment Facilities when the child's behavior becomes too much for the parent to handle. Other

parents send their children to these facilities when the child comes out to them and they want a quick fix to what they

view as a problem. While treatment facilities and educational reparative environments can be a great resource and

beneficial to those they offer treatment to, many abuse their power and physically, emotionally, and sexually abuse

the children they are there to care for. This epidemic is ongoing, and many lawsuits have been filed, but the abuse

has not stopped. Advocates have worked with legislation to change laws, but this work has not been enough. This is

true of Conversion Therapy as well, as it has not been outlawed federally. In fact, it is a common practice in many of

these facilities. The truth about conversion therapy is frightening and this workshop will touch on the facts, details

and all other information to what occurs behind Residential Facility’s closed doors. Television and other forms

of media often make these types of environments look fun, friendly, and safe; but the truth is they often result in

youth leaving with PTSD, physical disorders, and sometimes, death (by suicide). This workshop will help attendees

become familiar with institutional abuse and how they can advocate against it; in addition to connecting survivors

to resources. This workshop will be from a Social Work lens, and very interactive.

Int J Emerg Ment Health 2019, Volume 21

DOI: 10.4172/1522-4821-C1-027