Page 55
Volume 6, Issue 4(Suppl)
OMICS J Radiol, an open access journal
ISSN: 2167-7964
Medical Imaging and Clinical Research 2017
September 11-12, 2017
September 11-12, 2017 | Paris, France
World Congress on
Medical Imaging and Clinical Research
AN.I.C.E Brexit
Mustafa Sabil
Ramdas Senasi
United Kingdom
e aim to discuss themyriad of international urinary tract infection imaging guidelines.This was achieved by analysing guidelines
of 5 developed regions. Our center in the North-East of England adheres to our own guidelines that differ to NICE; but very
similar to Europe. This led us to review other guidelines and ask, “Is the UK truly independent?” Unlike other areas where the UK
has aligned itself to Europe, this is one area that the UK may have maintained its independence. Although both the UK and Europe
agree on routine Ultrasound scanning in infants, they contrast with their MCUG guidelines, with Europe taking a more aggressive
stance. Interestingly, although voting to leave the EU, the North-East of England shares very similar guidelines with Europe. Unlike
Europe, Australia shares similarities with the UK, except in MCUGS where their upper limit is the age of 2. The Canadians however,
possess numerous similarities to the Americans. In 1999, the American Association of Paediatrics (AAP) stopped routine MCUG’s
after the first febrile infection in all children and the Canadians followed shortly after. MCUG’s are now rarely used, especially in
Canada where a more conservative approach is taken. Ultrasounds are used more frequently for diagnostic purposes. However, in
Canada only febrile infections are followed up with Ultrasounds, afebrile infections are managed clinically, therefore: “no fever no
imaging”. In the era of globalisation, national guidelines are adapted to resemble one another in certain aspects, whilst some regions
maintain their autonomy. Following these comparisons we found inconsistencies in international UTI guidelines. We aim to discuss
the evidence put forth in each system. Over the coming year in BREXIT negotiations, we can feel reassured that this is one area non-
negotiable. Unless of course the North-East decides to stay with Europe!
Mustafa Sabil, a junior doctor in the Nothern-Eastern region of the United Kingdom, is an aspiring radiologist. With a keen interest in Radiology, during his Paediatric
rotation of Foundation Training, he took it upon himself to do something Paediatric-Radiology related and researched the comparison of international UTI imaging
guidelines in children, A N.I.C.E Brexit. With a strong desire to apply for Radiology specialty training in the coming application year, Dr Sabil is keen become
renounced for Radiology related publications and research. This particular piece has a unique political-BREXIT related spin to it, in the midst of the political drama
occurring at the present.
Mustafa_sabil@hotmail.comMustafa Sabil et al., OMICS J Radiol 2017, 6:4(Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2167-7964-C1-013