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Volume 6

International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

Kinesiology 2018

November 05-06, 2018

November 05-06, 2018 Singapore

International Conference on

Kinesiology and Biomechanics

Int J Phys Med Rehabil 2018, Volume 6

DOI: 10.4172/2329-9096-C1-017

Neck position accuracy, kinesthesia, kinematic impairment, motor control and pain: A randomized

control trial study in patients with upper trapezius muscle trigger point before and after fatigue

Mehdikhani Roya, Olyaei Gholam Reza, Hadian Mohammad Reza, Talebian Moghadam Saeed and Shadmehr Azadeh

Tehran University of Medical Science, Iran


The aim of this work was to investigate the cervical position sense and Electromyography (EMG) responses of cervical

muscles during head reposition movements in students with and without an upper trapezius muscle trigger point.


The evaluations were performed with the patient seated comfortably in a chair with both feet flat on the digital balance,

hips and knees flexed at 90°, buttocks positioned against the back of the chair and treated shoulder unclothed. Volunteers were

asked to sit on a chair in an upright position with relaxed arms positioned at the sides of their body. The head was kept in the

same position as the trunk and the vertebral column. During the test, the subjects were asked to look forward with no cervical

and trunk rotation, extension or flexion. Such was the position of the subjects. Different receptors convey each somato sensory

information which includes pain, temperature, and tactile sensations as well as conscious proprioception. The position sense

test measures the accuracy of position replication and can be conducted actively (active position sense) or passively (passive

position sense) in both open and closed kinetic chain positions. Furthermore, it was suggested that the position sense decreased

even if the shortening muscle during the position sense measurement involved muscle fatigue. It ensures that the increase in

Joint Position Sense (JPS) was really as a result of fatigue. In the absence of fatigue, there could be further improvement or no

change in Joint Position Sense (JPS).


The results of the present study showed that the fatigue of Trigger Points (TrPs) significantly improved the Range of

Motion (ROM) of the thoracolumbar spine, PPT, and Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) when compared to compression at non-

trigger point.


In general, the results of the included studies give an equivocal answer to the question of whether the Joint Position

Sense Error (JPSE) is higher in people with cervical spine lesions caused by trauma and/or non-traumatic neck complaints

than in controls.