Page 38
Volume 6
International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Kinesiology 2018
November 05-06, 2018
November 05-06, 2018 Singapore
International Conference on
Kinesiology and Biomechanics
Int J Phys Med Rehabil 2018, Volume 6
DOI: 10.4172/2329-9096-C1-017
Analysis of work immersion program of Manila Central University Senior High School (MCU-
SHS): Basis for program development toward Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy (BSPT)
Er D Petil Jr
Manila Central University, Philippines
he implementation of the K-12 educational reform institutionalized the ladderasation toward a bachelor’s degree program.
One of the goals of the K-12 basic education program is to develop the competencies, work ethics and values relevant to
pursuing further education and joining the world of work among learners. The goal of work immersion program is to become
familiar with the workplace, employment simulation and to apply competencies in areas of specialization in authentic work
environment. This analysis looked at the Work Immersion Program (WIP) of MCU-SHS whose interest is pursuing career in
physical therapy and two physical therapy professors that handle PT subjects that also assigned to handle and supervised SHS
students. SHS Students underwent an eighty (80) hours of orientation, simulation activities about PT subjects and practice. At
the same time, the investigation looked into the surrounding issues and problem influencing the decision making of the SHS
students leading to physical therapy professions. Crucial to the understanding of agency in the preparation of program toward
a successful work immersion program of the kaleidoscope of physical therapy profession as to nature of work, work ethics, and
discipline and to apply the competencies in physical therapy with authentic work environment.