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Volume 5, Issue 3 (Suppl)

J Infect Dis Ther, an open access journal


Infectious Diseases 2017

August 21-23, 2017



Annual Congress on

Infectious Diseases

August 21-23, 2017 San Francisco, USA

Laboratory capacity building of molecular genotyping technology for surveillance improvement of

measles and rubella in the country of Georgia

Nazibrola Chitadze, Giorgi Babuadze, Ketevan Sanadze



National Center for Disease Control and Public Health, Georgia


eorgia has adopted the European Regional goal for measles and rubella elimination by 2020. A concurrent measles and

rubella outbreak in Georgia in 2004-2005 resulted in over 7,000 reported cases of each. The most recent outbreak of

measles occurred in 2013-2014– in total 7872 and 3188 cases respectively, including 2 lethal cases in 2013. TheWHO accredited

laboratory for serology diagnostic of Measles and Rubella are functioning at NCDC Lugar Center. The numbers of oral fluid

samples are yearly sent to WHO reference laboratories for genotyping. Implementation of molecular typing techniques at

Lugar center will allow fulfilling the gaps for timely tracking of the source of infection and establish epidemiological links

among cases and outbreaks. Training of molecular technics was provided by CDC Atlanta, MMRH Laboratory scientists. A

total 17 oral fluid sample were collected from measles and rubella suspected cases in 2016. Laboratory work was carried out

in a BSL2+ facility at Lugar Center. Real-time RT-PCR assays for the detection of measles and rubella virus (MeV/RuV) were

performed with controls of N gene RNA and human RNase P mRNA -a cellular reference gene, using the ABI 7500 real-

time thermocycler. Among the 17 samples analyzed, 2 were found positive for MeV. The sequencing by Sanger method of

the partial nucleoprotein gene was performed on 1 RT-PCR positive sample. Sequence was identified from BLAST searches

against the NCBI nucleotide database chosen, based on high similarity score (E≤0.0). Genetic distances were estimated using

the MEGA v7 software. The BLAST analysis showed a high coverage and absolute similarity with MeV genotype D8 strain

MVs/DongThap. This newly implemented testing methodology will strength public health system in the country with timely

detection and response of MeV/RuV outbreaks; the capacity will assist for the final case classification and investigation of

chains of transmission.


Nazibrola Chitadze is the Head of WHO accredited Serology (measles, rubella and rotavirus groups) Laboratory of Department of Virology, Molecular Epidemiology

and Genome Research at R G Lugar Center for Public Health Research, National Center for Disease Control and Public Health (NCDC&PH). She is graduated

from Preventive Medicine Faculty of Tbilisi State University in 2001 and South Caucasus Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program (SCFELTP), US-

CDC and NCDC and PH in 2011. Since 2002, she works at NCDC and PH. Her current research interests include assessment and evaluation of cell mediated and

humoral immunity developed in humans in response to

Bacillus anthracis

and tularemia infection. In 2016, she was awarded for her special contribution to the field

of public health care.

Nazibrola Chitadze et al., J Infect Dis Ther 2017, 5:3 (Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2332-0877-C1-027