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November 28-29, 2016 Valencia, Spain
World Congress on
Infection Prevention and Control
Volume 4, Issue 8 (Suppl)
J Infect Dis Ther 2016
ISSN: 2332-0877, JIDT an open access journal
Infection Control 2016
November 28-29, 2016
Antibiotic stewardship approach to long term urinary catheterized patients in a Spinal Injury Unit (SIU)
in New Zealand: Measurement of success regarding antibiotic resistance
Mona Schousboe
P J Aspell
Canterbury District Health Board, New Zealand
Antimicrobial stewardship, a concept developed due to increasing antibiotic resistance, involves issuing guidelines,
assistance from microbiology laboratories in limiting reporting and policing by pharmacy on the use of antibiotics. The success of
antimicrobial stewardship is difficult to measure. Presented here is the management of antibiotic use, prevention of urinary sepsis and
organisms’ resistance in a Spinal Injury Unit (SIU) in New Zealand. A half hour weekly meeting is held between medical, nursing,
pharmacy and IC&P staff with the aim of preventing urinary sepsis as a consequence of planned urological interventions. Urine
samples are collected weekly and cultured with identification of all bacteria and antibiotic susceptibilities carried out monthly or as
new strains are identified.
To research the benefit of preventative urine management by comparing susceptibilities in the SIU over a 10 year period with
those of the District Health Boards (DHB) Annual Antibiotic Susceptibilities.
Methods &Material:
Compare antibiotic susceptibilities from laboratory records reported on SIU catheterized patient’s urine isolates
for six out of ten years between 2005 and 2015 with annual summaries of all DHB’s hospital bacterial susceptibilities over the same
The annual susceptibilities of routine urinary antibiotics to most of the urinary pathogens in the SIU patients were equal to
or only slightly lower than the Annual Antibiotic Susceptibilities for all the DHB’s bacterial isolates with exception of
P. aeruginosa
The effect of antimicrobial stewardship can be demonstrated and measured in catheterized patients with the help of
regular detailed urine results and a preventative approach to management and thus avoid the use of empiric antibiotic treatment. The
focus was to render the bladder free of bacteria during interventions which increase the intravesical pressure. Nitrofurantoin was the
most frequently urinary antiseptic used.
Mona Schousboe is employed by Canterbury District Health Board (DHB), one of the largest DHB in New Zealand. She is a qualified Medical Microbiologist
(FRCPA) and work in this capacity in the DHB’s laboratory, Canterbury Health Laboratories. She is also a Clinical Director of the CDHB Infection Prevention and
Control Service. She has obtained Master of Public Health with a Thesis “Governance, Management and Professional Influences on Infection Control in Canterbury
Public Hospitals 1978-2008”. She has special interest in management of urinary catheterized patients with spinal injuries.
mona.schousboe@cdhb.health.nzMona Schousboe et al., J Infect Dis Ther 2016, 4:8 (Suppl)