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November 28-29, 2016 Valencia, Spain
World Congress on
Infection Prevention and Control
Volume 4, Issue 8 (Suppl)
J Infect Dis Ther 2016
ISSN: 2332-0877, JIDT an open access journal
Infection Control 2016
November 28-29, 2016
Rifabutin: New formulations with improved therapeutic effect against tuberculosis
Maria Manuela Gaspar
University of Lisbon, Portugal
uberculosis (TB) is the leading cause of death among infectious disease worldwide. Although the development of new
antimycobacterial drugs is an obvious and necessary strategy to fight TB the therapeutic improvement of already approved drugs
constitutes an alternative strategy. In the present work rifabutin, a first line drug against TB was chosen aiming the maximization of its
concentration at infected sites while reducing its toxic effects and treatment duration. For this purpose, liposomes, the most successful
lipid system with many liposomal formulations already on the market with proven safety and efficacy was selected. Biodistribution
studies of RFB liposomes by intravenous administration allowed a higher accumulation of the antibiotic in liver, spleen and lungs in
comparison with the respective free form. In a murine
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
model of infection RFB liposomes were able to
reduce in a very high extent the bacterial load in liver, spleen and lungs being these results in agreement with biodistribution studies.
Taking into account that in case of TB the lung constitutes the main infected organ, the pulmonary administration was also tested
using spray dried microparticles.
In vivo
studies demonstrated that pulmonary delivery of RFB formulations constitutes a valuable
approach to fight TB when compared to infected mice receiving RFB in the free form by the oral route. The obtained results clearly
evidence the therapeutic improvement of RFB after incorporation in liposomes and in spray dried microparticles for intravenous and
pulmonary administration respectively. The same strategy can be applied to other anti-tubercular drugs alone or in combination.
Maria Manuela Gaspar has completed her PhD in 2005 in Pharmaceutical Technology, University of Lisbon and Postdoctoral studies in the University of Dublin,
Trinity College. She is a Researcher in the Research Institute for Medicines, iMed.Ulisboa, University of Lisbon. She is co-author of patents, paper in peer-reviewed
journals and book chapters.
mgaspar@ff.ulisboa.ptMaria Manuela Gaspar, J Infect Dis Ther 2016, 4:8 (Suppl)