Volume 4, Issue 8 (Suppl)
J Infect Dis Ther 2016
ISSN: 2332-0877, JIDT an open access journal
Infection Control 2016
November 28-29, 2016
Page 21
November 28-29, 2016 Valencia, Spain
World Congress on
Infection Prevention and Control
Controlling infectious diseases with Metadichol®
etadichol® is a nano emulsion of long-chain alcohols found in many foods. It is commonly called Policosanol and is
present in foods such as rice, sugar cane, wheat, peanuts. Metadichol® acts on Nuclear Vitamin D receptors (VDR) that
are present in cells throughout the body to stimulate the immune system and inhibit a variety of disease processes, resulting
from viral, bacterial and parasitic infections. Gene expression analysis will be presented. We tested Metadichol®
in vitro
viruses and also against malaria, Tb and MRSA. It is the first of a class of unique nano emulsion molecules that are active
against viruses, bacteria and parasites. In assays, Metadichol® showed no cytotoxicity and strongly inhibited cell death caused
by each of the pathogen tested. Metadichol® is a safe and effective inhibitor of various pathogens in humans. Because it consists
of natural components of common foods and has no known negative side effects, Metadichol® has the potential to serve as a
novel, broad-spectrum antiviral treatment for viruses, bacteria and parasites that confront public health today.
P R Raghavan is the CEO of Nanorx Inc, USA. He has completed his PhD in Organic Chemistry from Oregon State University (1979) and MS in Chemistry (1972)
from IIT Mumbai, India. He has worked on drug discovery for over 25 years at Columbia University, Max-Planck Institute, Germany, Ciba-Geigy (now Novartis) and
'Boehringer Ingelheim’.
raghavan@nanorxinc.comP R Raghavan
Nanorx Inc, USA
P R Raghavan, J Infect Dis Ther 2016, 4:8 (Suppl)