Page 63
Volume 3, Issue 2 (Suppl)
Ind Chem
ISSN: 2469-9764, ICO an open access journa
Industrial Chemistry 2017
May 22-23, 2017
May 22-23, 2017 Las Vegas, USA
World Conference on
Industrial Chemistry and Water Treatment
Physicochemical analysis of bore-well water of Kheda district, Gujarat, India
Disha Soni
J & J College of Science, India
tudy was conducted for the purpose of physicochemical analysis such as temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), total
dissolved solids (TDS), electrical conductivity (EC), total alkalinity (TA), calcium hardness (CaH), magnesium hardness
(MgH), chloride (Cl), sulphate (SO4-2), phosphate (po4-3) and nitrate (NO3-1) of water samples collected from bore-wells
of 20 villages of Kheda district, Gujarat state, India. Quality of water is very important for different usages of water. Some
villages were found to have maximum limit and minimum tolerance range for drinking water. The experimental values of water
samples were compared with standard values given by World Health Organization (WHO) and Indian standards. The result
concluded that, in some locations water quality was acceptable for drinking, domestic and irrigation purposes. In some of the
locations, Phosphate parameters found higher than the prescribed values. The higher values of phosphates are mainly due
to the use of fertilizers and pesticides used for the agriculture purpose. If phosphate is consumed in excess, phosphine gas is
produced in gastrointestinal tract on reaction with gastric juice. Similarly, nitrate parameter is higher than the tolerance range
in the bore-well water. In this study physicochemical analysis of bore-well water was carried out during 2015-2016 in order to
assess water quality index.
disha6203@gmail.comDisha Soni, Ind Chem 2017, 3:2 (Suppl)