Page 78
Volume 3, Issue 2 (Suppl)
Ind Chem
ISSN: 2469-9764, ICO an open access journa
Industrial Chemistry 2017
May 22-23, 2017
May 22-23, 2017 Las Vegas, USA
World Conference on
Industrial Chemistry and Water Treatment
Cloning, characterizationand saccharificationanalysis ofGH12 endo-1, 4-β-glucanase from
in a mesophilic host
Fatima Akram
Government College University, Pakistan
roduction of bioethanol has received much attention in recent years and many countries have made large investments
in infrastructure, process development and production facilities. Energy crisis are the leading economic constrains in
developed as well as in developing countries. With the exhaustion of nonrenewable resources at an exponential rate, the need
to develop alternative renewable sources which can be both cost effective, environmental friendly and high in yield is the need
of time. Recently, the increasing demand of energy has strongly stimulated the research on conversion of lignocellulosic plant
biomass by the action of cellulases enzymes into reducing sugars, for the subsequent production of bioethanol. Endoglucanases
are mainly responsible for hydrolyzing the internal glycosidic bond to decrease the length of the cellulose chains. Obtaining
efficient and thermostable endoglucanase has become the goal of much research worldwide. Therefore, our research work was
focused to search for new resources of endoglucanases, which was thermostable and with high catalytic efficiency. The article
focuses on the thermotolerant endo-1,4-β-glucanase gene, of
Thermotoga petrophila RKU-1
, was cloned and over-expressed
E. coli
strain BL21 codon plus for its potential usage for the hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass and in different industrial
applications. Thermostable endoglucanase can be used simultaneously and directly in the saccharification procedure without
a pre-cooling process of biomass. Purified enzyme was optimally active with 530 Umg-1 of specific activity against CMC
at pH 6.0 and 95 °C, which has exhibited a half- life (t
) of 6.6 min even at temperature as high as 97 °C and stable up to 8
hours at 80 °C. The recombinant enzyme saccharified pre-treated wheat straw and baggase to 3.32% and 3.2%, respectively
after 6 h incubation at 85 °C. Its thermostability, resistance to heavy metal ions and high specific activity make endoglucanase
a potential and promising candidate for various industrial applications such as in textile industry (in bio stoning and bio
finishing), in animal feed production, in processing of beer and fruit juice, in biomass hydrolysis (bioethanol production) and
in plant oil, detergent, pulp and paper industry.
ikmhaq@yahoo.comInd Chem 2017, 3:2 (Suppl)
http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2469-9764-C1-006Color gradation of substituted polyacetylenes: Molecular design, synthesis and characterization of their
helical structures
Yasuteru Mawatari
Muroran Institute of Technology, Japan
ain-chains in substituted polyacetylenes (SPAs) are twisted into a helical structure in order to avoid steric hindrances
between neighboring side-chains. We have previously demonstrated that the color of SPAs having phenyl rings, called
poly(arylacetylenes) (PAAs) strongly depended on molecular structure of the side-chains in their aromatic ring and on
solvents used by the polymerization reaction. In this work, we focused on relationship between color of PAAs and their helical
structures. Designed PAAs having phenyl or naphthyl rings were synthesized and characterized to elucidate precise helical
structures containing degree of twist and distance of aromatic rings in side-chains.