Page 77
Volume 3, Issue 2 (Suppl)
Ind Chem
ISSN: 2469-9764, ICO an open access journa
Industrial Chemistry 2017
May 22-23, 2017
May 22-23, 2017 Las Vegas, USA
World Conference on
Industrial Chemistry and Water Treatment
High temperature H
S adsorption using copper-titanate nanoparticles
Farzad Yazdanbakhsh
University of Alberta, Canada
irect desulfurization of syngas is an important measure to further increase the efficiency of IGCC systems. Solid-phase,
metal oxide adsorbents which sequester the sulfur by converting H
S to a metal sulfide are the only desulfurization
technology capable of withstanding the combustion temperatures present at the outlet of the gasifier. Copper oxide is of
particular interest due to its favorable thermodynamics across a wide range of temperatures. Cu-ETS-2 is a copper exchanged
form of the sodium titanate ETS-2 and functions analogously to CuO for the conversion of H
S into CuS at temperatures
ranging from ambient to 950 °C. The results of this study show that Cu-ETS-2 is capable of removing H
S fromH
S/He mixture
to concentrations below a mass spectrometer’s detection limit at temperatures as high as 950 °C. Temperature is, however, only
one of the challenges facing a direct desulfurization adsorbent; high concentrations of H2 and water vapor are present in the
syngas stream which can influence the oxidation state of the metal and the efficiency of H
S removal. In an attempt to prevent
reduction of CuO, chromium was successfully used to stabilize the oxidation state of copper oxide and maintain constant
adsorption capacity throughout the whole temperature range. While several studies have examined the effect hydrogen in
the feed, there are few studies exploring the influence of water vapor on the efficiency of H
S removal and none that explore
the effect of water vapor at elevated temperatures. This study can be considered the only study to investigate the influence of
water vapor on the desulfurization of a dilute H
S stream at temperatures between 350 and 950 °C using copper oxide-based
adsorbents. The findings demonstrate that the presence of water vapor promotes production of H
, resulting in faster reduction
of CuO to Cu
O and elemental copper, leading to less adsorption capacity. Finally, the ability of the adsorbent for regeneration
and use as a multi-cycle adsorbent was investigated. The results indicate that the adsorbent is capable of regeneration for
at least four times with no sign of reduction in capacity. The results also indicate that the exothermic nature of oxidation
reaction results in temperatures up to ~1700 °C causing the partial melting of the quartz glass tube. However the adsorbent can
withstand such high temperatures and does not lose adsorption capacity after the first oxidation step. This phenomenon is due
to having nano titanate ETS-2 as the support in the adsorbent.
fyazdanb@ualberta.caInd Chem 2017, 3:2 (Suppl)
http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2469-9764-C1-006Sorbent capacities and intensities of activated carbon from one-way thermochemical pyrolysis of
palm nut shell for the removal of waste water dye stuff
V N Okonkwo
Federal Polytechnic Oko, Nigeria
his paper presents evaluation of the feasibility of using palm nut shell activated carbon from one-way thermochemical
pyrolysis and its adsorption properties for removal of industrial dye stuffs from waste water. The relationship between the
ordinary (k
), maximum (qm) and theoretical saturation capacities (q
) were also investigated to follow the order; q
> q
> k
catalyzed sorbent dwell at a longer activation time. SS/A/15 -presented a higher adsorption capacities (q
=6.024 mgg-
1, q
=4.189 mgg-1 and kf=0.628) and higher sorption intensity (1/n=0.714), than the other 3 series. The high % dye removal
(%RE up to 84.80%) adsorption normalcy (1/n<1 and RL<1) and good applicability (R
>0.869) are critical for considering
palm nut shells as precursor for generating low cost active bio-sorbents.