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Journal of Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques | ISSN: 2155-9872 | Volume 9
World HPLC, Separation Techniques & Pharmacovigilance
World Analytical Chemistry & Mass Spectrometry
International Conference on
August 29-30, 2018 | Toronto, Canada
Validation and development of an optical detection microfluidic device for the determination of
antibiotics in environmental waters
Maria Ramos Payan
, Andreu Rosell
Andreu Llobera3
University of Seville, Spain
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain
Technology & Innovation, Germany
his work consists of the development and calibration of a microfluidic device for direct fluorescence detection. First, the
microchip was evaluated and tested using fluorescein, a substance of high fluorescence, soluble in methanol and widely
used as a marker in methods of measuring other non-fluorescent substances. This microfluidic device was applied to the
determination of an antibiotic commonly used for people and animals: norfloxacin. The measurements were carried out using
two optical fibers, spectrometers and optical potentiometers at a wavelength of 278 y 445 nm. Finally, the microfluidic device
was calibrated for norfloxacin with detection limits and quantitation limits of 0.07 mg/L and 0.24 mg/L, respectively. This
device was satisfactorily applied in environmental samples, specifically to waters from the Llobregat River passing through
Manresa, Barcelona. This has been demonstrated to be a low-cost device offering the short time of analysis and low detection
and quantification limits. Additionally, this device is reusable and easy sampling to use.
Maria Ramos Payan has expertise in improving sample preparation techniques focused on microfluidic-chip devices as miniaturization. The novelty of her microfluidic
devices offers more advantages than the existing methodologies. Maria has worked at different institutions (the University of Seville, University of Huelva, University
of Lund, University of Copenhagen, University of North Carolina, USA, Microelectronic National Center of Barcelona and Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona).
Currently, she works at the University of Seville with the aim of implementing optical detection into microfluidic devices for multiple different applications.
ramospayan@us.esMaria Ramos Payan et al., J Anal Bioanal Tech 2018, Volume 9
DOI: 10.4172/2155-9872-C1-028