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Volume 8

Primary Healthcare: Open Access

ISSN: 2167-1079

Health Economics Congress 2018

September 13-14, 2018

September 13-14, 2018 | Zurich, Switzerland



World Congress on Health Economics,

Health Policy and Healthcare Management

New fair global intra-generational solidarity & tax model creating sustainable health services &

health care

Yannick Pots

Free University Brussels, Belgium


Financing health care is expensive and unsustainable. Based on OECD data1 we could calculate that the 65-

109yrs group is responsible for 78.66% on pharmaceutical expenditures. According to present inter-generational solidarity

system this has to be paid by the 22-64 yrs generation.

Aim :

The study is to describe a new transformational leadership towards sustainable and high-performing health care

management and health economics, where economic and personal values are aligned. A fine-tuned balance has to be created

between shareholders’ right(s) on material financial value added (VA) maximization, and/resp. optimization of multi-

stakeholders’ right(s) on immaterial health-related (HR) quality of life-, functional ability-, intrinsic capacity-, resp. HR life

years gained-VA’s.

Methods and results:

Increased investments in prevention of health & well-being (he&wb) should create a decrease in health

care costs. We calculated that the group 65-109yrs, users of ca80% on pharmaceutical expenditures, possess non-current

asset(s) of ca80% and they should be taxed by a real estate tax on their non-current assets to support health expenditures of

the same generation. According to the Pareto-principle [80/20-rule], smoking, alcohol, sugar, and meat should to be taxed by

an excise tax of ca80%. Fruit and vegetables should to be de-taxed to 0.0%. The he&wb taxes should directly finance a he&wb

institution, while he&wb funds should be redistributed as investment in prevention.

Conclusions & Significance:

A new fair and global revolutionary "intra-generational" solidarity & tax model will create equity

and sustainable health care and consequently will guarantee harmonious relations among generations.


Yannick Pots has been Graduated from the Univ. of Ghent as Jurist and subsequently Graduated in Complementary Studies of Corporate Law from the Univ. of Brussels,

with specialities including (Inter) National Financial-, Stock-&Stock-Exchange-, Securities- & Bank-Law. Later on he obtained his post-graduation “Business Economics”

(Great Distinct.) from the (Univ.) Antwerp Management School. He also obtained his post-graduation “Financial Management of Enterprises” (Distinct.) from the (U) AMS

with subjects Corporate Finance, Financial Management, Capital Budgeting and Value-Based Management.

Yannick Pots, Primary Health Care 2018, Volume 8

DOI: 10.4172/2167-1079-C6-032