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Volume 8

Primary Healthcare: Open Access

ISSN: 2167-1079

Health Economics Congress 2018

September 13-14, 2018

September 13-14, 2018 | Zurich, Switzerland



World Congress on Health Economics,

Health Policy and Healthcare Management

Hospital cleaning for health and safety, without using chemicals

Elizabeth Gillespie



Rhonda L Stuart



Monash Health, Australia


Monash University, Australia

Cleaning is critical to prevent the spread of disease and essential in providing quality healthcare. Routine cleaning of hospital

surfaces must eliminate pathogens where contamination may have occurred. Traditional methods of cleaning using detergents

and disinfectants can be time consuming, expensive and associated with health and safety risk. Detergent alone is unable

to remove all pathogens and disinfection is required for its biocidal effect. However, complete removal of pathogens is a

safe alternative to biocidal use and is employed at our healthcare facilities. Monash Health replaced traditional cleaning with

microfibre and steam cleaning after conducting trials from 2011. Results showed that 90% less water was used; chemicals

were eliminated along with the risk of slips and falls from wet floors. Microfibre and steam cleaning was demonstrated to be

effective at preventing pathogen transmission, including multi-drug resistant pathogens. Cleaning was achieved in less time,

costs were limited and capacity to protect equipment from chemical damage was evident. Following outbreaks associated with

traditional cleaning methods, microfibre and steam was introduced. However, monitoring of cleaning was demonstrated to be

an important aspect of cleaning management, to ensure it is conducted according to procedures. A review of gastroenteritis

outbreaks across Victorian healthcare settings showed a statistically significant reduction in outbreak number and duration

following the introduction of this cleaning technology at Monash Health.

Recent Publications

1. Gillespie E, Tabbara L, Scott C, Lovegrove A, Kotsanas D, Stuart R (2017) Microfibre and steam for a neonatal service:

An improved and safe cleaning methodology. AJIC. 45 (1): 98-100.

2. Gillespie E, Wright P, Snook K, Ryan S, Vandergraaf S, Abernethy M, Lovegrove A. The role of ultraviolet marker

assessments in demonstrating cleaning efficacy. AJIC. 43 (12): 1347-9.

3. Gillespie E, Brown R, Treagus D, James A, Jackson C (2015) Improving operating room cleaning results withmicrofiber

and steam technology. AJIC. 44 (1): 120-22.

4. Abernethy M, Gillespie E, Snook K, Stuart R (2013) Microfiber and steam for environmental cleaning during an

outbreak. AJIC February. 41 (11): 1134-5.


Elizabeth Gillespie has completed her graduation from Royal Melbourne Hospital as a registered nurse and has qualifications in Midwifery, Operating Room Management

and Infection Control. She has completed her Master of Public Health at the University of Melbourne, majoring in Epidemiology. Her current role is in co-directing and

managing the Infection Control and Epidemiology unit for Monash Health.

Elizabeth Gillespie et al., Primary Health Care 2018, Volume 8

DOI: 10.4172/2167-1079-C6-032