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Volume 7, Issue 9 (Suppl)

Gynecol Obstet (Sunnyvale), an open access journal

ISSN: 2161-0932

Gynecologic Cancers 2017

August 29-30, 2017



International Congress on

August 29-30, 2017 | London, UK

Contemporary Issues in

Women Cancers & Gynecologic Oncology

Should post menouposal women be screened only by HPV test for cervical cancers?

Sema Zergero



Zekai Tahir Burak Women Health Educational and Research Hospital, Turkey


The main objective of the servical screening is to have the screening by using the best method. The ideal

screening method is having smear test, colposcopic biopsy and HPV DNA analysis. The aim of these studies are to conduct a

detailed follow up program by using the results of the patients who had admitted to our hospital during the last 2 years and had

been diagnosed cervical intraepithelial lesion.


: During the 2 year period in between 2015-2016, smear test has been requested from 11.850 patients. 5180 of these

patients are menapause patients, 1102 of these patients are being followed up by pap smear test because of Low grade SIL and

their DNA analysis have been made for High risk HPV DNA (HHPV) types 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 56, 58, 66 and 68. The

patients had colposcopy by the same Gynecolocist. In terms of statistical analysis and calculations IBM SPSS Statistics programs

21.0 version has been used and Chi-square test, Mann Withney U test and Corelation spearman Rho relation coefficient has

been calculated.


: The patients ages are determined as 50±3.2 years. Among 1102 patients, 278 are reportes as HPV (+) (270 grade I

neoplasia and 8 grade II neoplasia) and the rest of the 824 patients are reported as HPV (-), 14 patients are reported grade II

neoplasia and 670 patients grade I neoplasia and 140 patients are reported non neoplastic lesion. We consider that the most

important and best method is pap smear (+) colposcopic biopsy for the patients who are HPV+, pap smear negative and

colposcopic biopsy result is negative and we also consider that the having HPV (+) may be show (-) result.


Sema Zergeroğlu is currently the Head of Training Project and R&D Department in Ministry of Health, General Directorate of Health Research, Ankara and the

Coordinator of Cancer Research Center and Genetic Center of ZTB Women’s Health, Education and Research Hospital, Ankara. She is the Deputy Chief Physician

of Biotechnological Products in Turkey and Contributions to Health Economics by Analysis of R&D Infrastructure, Ankara. She is also the President of local ethics

commitee in ZTB. She has translated 2 Medical books in to Turkish, served as a Co-editor of a Turkish book. She is the author/coauthor of 3 book chapters, over

80 national and international scientific publications.

Sema Zergeroğlu, Gynecol Obstet (Sunnyvale) 2017, 7:9 (Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2161-0932-C1-019