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Global Physiotherapy 2016
November 17-18, 2016
Volume 6 Issue 6(Suppl)
J Nov Physiother
ISSN: 2165-7025 JNP, an open access journal
November 17-18, 2016 Atlanta, USA
Global Physiotherapy Congress
Cristian F Reich, J Nov Physiother 2016, 6:6(Suppl) How the management of tissue energy in pathologies in soft and hard tissue can be
modified with electrotherapy as the (one and) only treatment in physical therapy
Cristian F Reich
University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
he purpose of this study is to compare at least two different ways to treat patients who suffer, on the one hand, from soft
tissue pathologies such as ulcers, arteriovenous wounds and the side effects of wound healing only by nursing care. And,
on the other hand, patients who suffer from hard tissue pathologies for instance, when the bone does not heal. Subjects: Twenty
patients (14 wounds) and (10 no healing bones) were randomly awed to the treatment groups. Methods: All patients received
standard wound care consisting of wound cleaning twice daily, application of moist dressings and continuous relief of pressure
until the wounds were healed. The ultraviolet protocol consisted of two treatments weekly using a lamp, it was calculated with
National Biological Corporation devices, probe with a 400-nm. Wounds were checked every 14 days and surface areas were
calculated according to some elements were calculated according to the criteria used to measure ulcers by decubitus Sessing
scale, WHS scale, Sussman scale, PSST scale, PUSH scale, DESIGN scale and CODED scale, RESVECH scale and LUMT scale.
Weekly percentage changes in wound area were compared. Results: Results showed that UVNA1 treatment had a greater effect
on wound healing than nursing care did. The PEMF’s Protocol consisted of 90 days where doses were calculated with clinical
and Montoya Scales between 90 to 15 Hz and 50 Gauss. All patients who received PEMF’s demonstrate a very high treatment
for bones which have not healed in certain conditions. Conclusion & Discussion: Ultraviolet narrow band A1 and PEMF’s
showed decrease healing time in soft and hard tissue and it may allow for a faster return to rehabilitation programs, work and
leisure time in patents with pressure ulcers and leisure activities and for those have non healing bones.
Cristian F Reich has completed his PT studies from University of Buenos Aires and he holds a chair in the University of Buenos Aires, Medicine School. He is the
main Professor of Electrotherapy since 1996. He is an expert in thermal waters, Manual Therapeutic in RPG and POLD methods like Dry Needing, Percutaneous
Electrolysis and Vestibular Rehabilitator. He was the chair in Electrotherapy from 1998 to 2008 at Entre Rios University, School of Medicine. He has been a Lecturer
for many years and has delivered at least 100 talks in different countries. He has published a book and has written articles, book chapters and journals.