Page 31
Volume 8
Journal of Gastrointestinal & Digestive System
GI Diseases 2018
July 11-12, 2018
July 11-12, 2018 Sydney, Australia
International Conference on
Digestive Disorders and Gastroenterology
Novel therapeutic targets for acute pancreatitis
Madhav Bhatia
University of Otago, New Zealand
cute pancreatitis is a common clinical condition. Excessive Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) in acute pancreatitis
leads to distant organ damage and Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS), which is the primary cause of morbidity
and mortality in this condition. Development of in vivo experimental models of acute pancreatitis and associated systemic organ
damage has enabled us to study the role played by inflammatory mediators in the pathogenesis of acute pancreatitis and associated
systemic organ damage. Using these models, recent studies have established the critical role played by inflammatory mediators in
acute pancreatitis and the resultant MODS. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) plays an important role in cardiovascular, central nervous and
gastrointestinal systems and has been shown to act as a vasodilator. We have also shown that H2S acts as a mediator of inflammation.
Substance P is an 11 amino acid neuropeptide that is released from nerve endings in many tissues. Subsequent to its release, substance
P binds to neurokinin-1 (NK-1) receptors on the surface of effector cells. Using experimental models, recent studies in our laboratory
have established the critical role played by H2S and substance P in acute pancreatitis. Furthermore, early results point to the clinical
relevance of this research. Studies with experimental animal models of disease will therefore help define the role of these mediators in
the pathogenesis of acute pancreatitis and can lead to the development of novel therapeutic approaches for this condition.
madhav.bhatia@otago.ac.nzJ Gastrointest Dig Syst 2018, Volume 8
DOI: 10.4172/2161-069X-C2-068