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Volume 8

Journal of Palliative Care & Medicine

ISSN: 2165-7386

Geriatrics 2018

July 30-31, 2018

July 30-31, 2018 | Barcelona, Spain



International Conference on

Geriatrics Gerontology & Palliative Nursing

Implementation of a protocol of action in geriatric frail patient in the end of life

Anna Prat Canal


Ingrid Fíguls

Althaia Xarxa Assistencial Universitària Manresa, Spain


ging is an outstanding issue in our society. Comparing statistics, we have seen that from 2010 to 2017 the population of

more than 70 years old has had a growth of about 1% in Bages, a central region of Catalonia. Within this old population

we want to a stand out to the geriatric patient, with whom we work in our area. Increasingly, more healthcare is offered to this

type of patients and, for this reason, we believe in the importance of offering a better quality care, both to him and his family,

when they need palliative care regardless their pathology. In order to improve holistic care towards the patient and his family,

we believe it is important to create a protocol of action in the frail geriatric patient in the end of life. A protocol with the aim

to improve the knowledge of multidisciplinary team that care for this type of patients was used. Therefore, within this protocol

we emphasize the importance of determining the functions of every professional involved, through the tools to offer quality

care, as well as respecting the will of the patient with the ability to decide and accompany the family in the different phases of

this process.


Anna Prat is a young nurse who works in the geriatric field in a hospital in central region of Catalonia where the population is getting older. She is passionate about

the work and, above all, she is eager to improve and create new projects based on the needs of the population and the work environment. She believes in the

importance of giving holistic and high quality care to the patients and their families in order to meet their needs.

Anna Prat Canal et al., J Palliat Care Med 2018, Volume 8

DOI: 10.4172/2165-7386-C2-017