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Volume 8

Journal of Palliative Care & Medicine

ISSN: 2165-7386

Geriatrics 2018

July 30-31, 2018

July 30-31, 2018 | Barcelona, Spain



International Conference on

Geriatrics Gerontology & Palliative Nursing

Aging in place and quality of life among adults aged 50 and older in Europe: Amoderated mediation


Rabia Khalaila

Zefat Academic College, Israel


We explored the moderated-mediation effects of perceived accessibility to the environment on quality of life in

later life via two socio-spatial mediators (loneliness and connection to place) and two moderators (functional disability and

marital status).


We utilized the data of the fifth wave of the survey of health, aging and retirement in Europe (SHARE) to analyze the

quality of life of 62,077 Europeans aged 50 or older. Bootstrapping with resampling strategies was used to test the moderated-

mediation hypotheses.


Higher scores for perceived accessibility to services and sites were associated with greater quality of life. This

relationship was partially mediated by lower loneliness and higher connection to place, and moderated by functional disability

and marital status.


Policymakers and planners should plan suitable, accessible and age-friendly social and spatial environments for

dependent and independent older adults. They should also suggest interventions to mitigate social loneliness and modify

spatial obstacles.


Rabia Khalaila has worked for ten years at Hadassah Hospital as a staff nurse and he was promoted as a Head Nurse in intensive care unit in the past five years. In 2009

he moved to work in the Zefat Academic College. He is the Head of the Department of Nursing in Zefat College. His research interests include nursing, social gerontology

and nursing education. He has published 24 written works mostly in peer review journals and another four papers are in preparation or under review process.

Rabia Khalaila, J Palliat Care Med 2018, Volume 8

DOI: 10.4172/2165-7386-C2-017