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Volume 8

Journal of Palliative Care & Medicine

ISSN: 2165-7386

Geriatrics 2018

July 30-31, 2018

July 30-31, 2018 | Barcelona, Spain



International Conference on

Geriatrics Gerontology & Palliative Nursing

Brazilian elderly affective disorders and suicide: Trends on morbi-mortality and health service costs

Raquel de Souza Praia

1, 2

, Jorge Reboredo


, Fernanda Barbisan


, Beatriz Sadigurski Nunes Cunha


, Bruna Chitolina


, Pedro Antonio Smith do Prado-



, Ednea Aguiar Maia Ribeiro


, Euler Esteves Ribeiro



Ivana Beatrice Mânica da Cruz



University of the Elderly State of Amazonas, Brazil


University of Business and Social Sciences, Argentina


Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil


Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil


tatement of affective disorders (AD) including depression has important epidemiological impact on elderly morbi-mortality

been also associated to elevate suicide rates. However, AD impact on trends elderly mortality, morbidity and Brazilian health

service cost (hospitalization and outpatient care) need to be more deeply investigated. Therefore, this study evaluated the

trends of AD and suicide mortality in Brazilian elderly population (1996-2015) and in use of health services (hospitalization

and outpatient care) and their costs in 2009 to 2015 period by a socio-ecological analysis using databank evaluable for Health

Unit System (DATASUS, Brazil Ministry). The study was performed just in elderly subjects (> 60 years old) considering as

co-variables: sex ad age. Linear, joint point and multivariate regressions were used to detect change in the trends of AD and

suicide mortality. Total AD mortality was slightly higher in women (1.2/100.000) than men (1.0/100.000). At contrary, suicide

mortality rate was higher in men (13.5/100.000) than females (2.5/100.000). In both mortality causes, occurrence was age-

dependent, with higher rates in oldest-old group (> 80 years). Hospitalizations by AD were also higher in older group, in both

sexes. However, hospitalization costs trend to decrease in the last four years. The whole of results suggests the necessity to

construct specific preventive and treatment programs for elderly people, since this population presents important biological,

functional, health and social specificities that are different of find in adults.


Raquel de Souza Praia has completed her Bachelor of Science in nursing (2007) and in Biological Sciences (2000). She has experience at ICU, Emergency and

Urgency Sector, and Public Health. She completed her Master in Gerontology and pursuing PhD in Public Health. She worked in the Women's Health Program of

Mobile Care Units. She is a Professor at School of Nursing at the Federal University of Amazonas. She has coordinated a project developed at home for the elderly

over 70, bedridden or impaired mobility at Open University of the Third Age / University of the State of Amazonas. She was the organizer and author of the book

launched in 2018 in Brazil “Fundamentos de Psicogerontologia”. Currently she conducts research involving psychiatric disorders in aging.

Raquel de Souza Praia et al., J Palliat Care Med 2018, Volume 8

DOI: 10.4172/2165-7386-C2-018