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Geriatrics 2017
Monday, September 4, 2017 | Day 1
Major Sessions:
Elderly Care | Gerontological Nursing | Geriatric Medicine| Geriatric Case Studies | Geriatric
Dementia| Geriatric Mental Health | Geriatrics Palliative Care
Session Chair
Lee Hyer
Georgia Neurosurgical Institute | USA
Session Co-chair
Stephen Jacobs
University of Auckland | New Zealand
Session Introduction
Transmural cooperation between general practioners and nursing staff in residential care
Bart Van Rompaey
| University of Antwerp | Belgium
Integration of end of life care of military members and veterans into a baccalaureate
nursing concepts course
Libba Reed McMillan
| Auburn University | USA
Self-administration of medication in hospital: A mixed-method study on the perspectives
of patients and health care providers
Tinne Dilles
| University of Antwerp | Belgium
Improving quality of life for people with dementia: The Person-Centred Environment
and Care Assessment Tool
Chanel Burke
| University of Technology Sydney | Australia
Gerontologist skills and client satisfaction in long-term residential care for older persons
Fernando Pereira
| Institute Polytechnic of Braganca | Portugal
Drinking motives of community dwelling older adults and its associated factors
Yannic van Gils
| University of Antwerp | Belgium
Profiles of ICF disability in alzheimer and vascular dementia
Alba Malara
| National Association of Third Age Residences (ANASTE) | Italy
Opting out of own homes for residential care homes: Decision-making experiences of
family members of older adults with moderate dementia
Lisa PL Low
| Caritas Institute of Higher Education | Hong Kong
Sessi I tr