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Volume 7, Issue 5 (Suppl)
J Palliat Care Med, an open access journal
ISSN: 2165-7386
Geriatrics 2017
September 4-5, 2017
September 4-5, 2017 | Edinburgh, Scotland
Geriatrics Gerontology & Palliative Nursing
International Conference on
Fernando Pereira
, Helena Pimentel
, Ana Falcão
, Cristina Teixeira
Vitor Rodrigues
Institute Polytechnic of Bragança, Portugal
University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Portugal
Epi-Unit Porto, Portugal
n contemporary Western societies the population aging poses new challenges both to the policies and to the support systems for
the older persons.
In Portugal, where the phenomena have a major impact, it has emerged a new professional profile, the gerontologist. From the
beginning the gerontologist (Licenciate’s Diploma in Gerontology) has emerged as a new professional exclusively devoted to providing
care for the older persons and shares the labor market with other professionals who are usually leaders in LTCRs for the older persons,
namely: managers, psychologists, nurses, sociologists, social educators and other social workers.
Recent studies (Pereira & Antão, 2014; Pereira & Caria, 2014) show a clear evidence of technical, organizational and communicative
skills, which can be considered specific to this professional group (gerontologists) and which are distinctive from those shown by
other professional caregivers. The focus goes to the sensibility of the gerontologists to detect in advance symptoms of a pathological
aging, and to a personal contact with the older person and their families. It is still very valuable their ability to organize and develop
innovative services and activities. The internalization of the concept of interdisciplinary and the ability to integrate and streamline
interdisciplinary technical teams is also mentioned as a feature of this professional group. These profile skills have been considered by
employers the main reasons to hire gerontologists rather than other professionals (Pereira, Mata & Pimentel, 2012).
In this study 160 older persons living in Portuguese LRTC are questioned about their satisfaction in regard to the effectiveness of
organization. The older persons from LTRCs managed by a gerontologist are more likely to be “more satisfied” with provided care.
This association was not explained by residents’ characteristics or by the older person’s circumstances as residents. These findings
highlight the appropriateness of gerontologist skills in managing LTRCs.
Fernando Pereira completed his Ph.D. in Social Sciences from the University of Trs-os-Montes and Alto Douro, 2004. He acts as Researcher collaborator of the
Center for Research and Educational Intervention Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto, since 2008. Researcher collaborator
Research Center Mountain CIMO, the College of Agriculture of Bragança since 2008. He was an effective investigator of this center since 2003. Coordinator of
Nucleus of Research and Intervention of the Elderly / IPB, from 2009-2015. Founding Member and Investigator Group ASPTI Research (Social Analysis Technical
Working Intellectual) since 2002. ASPTI is an informal group that involves researchers from several national higher education institutions is engaged among other
activities of organizing seminars scientific research projects, monitoring of academic research evidence. Principal Investigator of the project "BeHome BeHappy" -
EIP-AHA (European Innovation Partnership and Healthy Active-Ageing), European Commission, 2013-2015. In the scope of this pedagogical and scientific activity
he published several books, chapters of books, articles on the subject of the elderly and aging, highlighting the book "Theory and Practice of Gerontology: A Guide
for Caregivers of the Elderly", PsicoSoma 2012 and 2017 (second edition).
fpereira@ipb.ptFernando Pereira et al., J Palliat Care Med 2017, 7:5(Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2165-7386-C1-011