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Volume 7, Issue 5 (Suppl)

J Gastrointest Dig Syst, an open access journal


Gastroenterology 2017

November 13-14, 2017

November 13-14, 2017 | Las Vegas, USA



International Conference on

Clinical Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endoscopy

Conventional videoendoscopy and endoscopic findings related to

Helicobacter pylori

Alexandre Gomes

Endoclinic, Brazil


Studies with the latest technologies such as endoscopy with magnification and chromoendoscopy showed that various

endoscopic aspects are clearly related to infection by

Helicobacter pylori

(HP). The description of different patterns of erythema in

gastric body under magnification of images revived interest in identifying these patterns by standard endoscopy.


Validate endoscopic aspects related to HP found in conventional videogastroscopy, allowing the predictability of the diagnosis

as well as proper targeting biopsies.


Prospective study of 339 consecutive patients with the standard videoendoscope image analysis were obtained, recorded

and stored in a program database. These images were studied with respect to the presence or absence of HP, diagnosed by rapid

urease test and/or by histological analysis. We studied: normal mucosa appearance; mucosal nodularity; diffuse nonspecific erythema

or redness of antrum and body; mosaic pattern with focal area of hyperemia; erythema in streaks or bands (red streaks); elevated

(raised) erosions; flat erosions and fundic gland polyps. The main exclusion criteria were the use of drugs, HP pre-treatment and

other entities that could affect results.


Applying the exclusion criteria, were included 170 of the 339 patients, of which 52 (30.58%) were positive for HP and 118

negative. On the positive findings, the most associated with infection were: antral nodularity (26.92%); raised erosion (15.38%) and

mosaic pattern in the body (21,15%). On the negative group the normal appearance of the mucosa was 66.94%; red streaks in 9.32%;

flat erosions 11.86%; and fundic gland polyps 11.86%.


Endoscopic findings are useful in predicting the outcome, localization and targeting of biopsies in gastritis related to HP

infection. The most representative form of HP related gastritis was the nodularity of the antral mucosa. The raised erosion and mosaic

pattern in the body are suggestive but not specific to the infection. Normal-appearing forms, red streaks and fundic gland polyposis

are related to the negativity of HP infection. The other forms were not conclusive of the presence of HP.


Alexandre Gomes has graduated in 1985 at the Faculty of Medicine of Sorocaba, São Paulo, has completed his Medical Residency in Digestive Surgery at HSPE São

Paulo, specialist titles in General Surgery (CBC), Digestive Surgery (CBCD), Clinical Gastroenterology (FBG) and Endoscopy (SOBED). He has completed his Master's

degree in Principles of Surgery from University Evangelic Hospital of Curitiba, Brazil. He was an Ex-Assistant Professor of General Surgery at the Tatuapé Hospital of São

Paulo and the Regional Hospital of Sorocaba. In the last ten years, he is working exclusively with endoscopic procedures (endoscopy, colonoscopy, ERCP, endoscopic

ultrasound EUS).

Alexandre Gomes, J Gastrointest Dig Syst 2017, 7:5 (Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2161-069X-C1-055