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Volume 7, Issue 7 (Suppl)

J Gastrointest Dig Syst

ISSN: 2161-069X JGDS, an open access journal

Gastroenterologists 2017

December 14-15, 2017

December 14-15, 2017 Dubai, UAE




Gastroenterologists Summit

Transient elastography in non-cirrhotic portal fibrosis: A comparative study with child's A cirrhosis

in a tertiary care center

Mohammed Noufal B, Prem Kumar K, Venkateswaran A R, Kani Shaikh M, Ratnakar Kini, Pugazhendhi T, Radhakrishnan N, Thinakar Mani B and

Sibithooran K

Institute of Medical Gastroenterology, Madras Medical College, India

Background & Aim:

Non-cirrhotic portal hypertension (NCPH) is one of the important causes of variceal bleed in tropical

countries. In chronic liver disease, a very useful non-invasive method for the diagnosis of fibrosis is liver stiffness (LS)

measurement by transient elastography (TE). There are only limited studies evaluating TE in patients with Non-cirrhotic

portal fibrosis (NCPF). So, the aim of this study was to evaluate role of TE in NCPF.


This is a case control study of retrospectively collected data from 25 patients of NCPF from September 2015 to August

2017. All patients had liver biopsy, TE, computed tomography of abdomen. 25-age and gender matched healthy subjects and

50-age matched patients with cirrhosis whereas Child's A was taken as controls.


The mean age of the patients was 26.5 (15-40) years, with female predominance (Female>Male=19:6). Of the 25

patients, 21 had variceal bleed requiring endoscopic band ligation and 3 required glue therapy for fundal varices. The platelet

count (87 vs. 115×10


/ml) was lower and total leucocyte count (2.5 vs. 5.9×103/cu mm, P< 0.05), was significantly lower in

patients with NCPF compared to patients with cirrhosis. TE (Fibroscan) was significantly low in patients with NCPF compared

to cirrhotic patients (8.2 vs. 47.4 kPa, P<0.005), but high compared to healthy controls (8.2 vs. 4.7 kPa, P<0.005).


Transient elastography (Fibroscan) is significantly low in patients with NCPF compared to patients with cirrhosis.

It is a very useful non-invasive technique to differentiate between Child's A cirrhosis and non-cirrhotic portal fibrosis.


Mohammed Noufal B has completed his MBBS and MD Internal Medicine from The Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University, Tamil Nadu, India. He is currently

pursuing his Post-graduate course in Medical Gastroenterology at the Madras Medical College, Chennai, India. He has published papers in reputed journals and

conducting various research studies.

Mohammed Noufal B et al., J Gastrointest Dig Syst 2017, 7:7 (Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2161-069X-C1-061