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Volume 7, Issue 4(Suppl)

J Gastrointest Dig Syst, an open access journal

ISSN: 2161-069X

Gastro Congress 2017

September 11-12, 2017

September 11-12, 2017 | Paris, France



Euro-Global Gastroenterology Conference

Turning chemical and Pharmaceutical to multi Drug Formulation

Fadoorn Innocent Obilor

University of California, USA


hemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering I have been very useful for capturing knowledge as In Chemical and Pharmaceutical,

a prime challenge has been to develop Chemical and Pharmaceutical function given only partial Chemical and Pharmaceutical

knowledge and inconsistency in how this knowledge is curated by experts., Again Towards A Data-driven Gene Ontology, Ontologies

have been very useful for capturing knowledge as a hierarchy of concepts and their interrelationships. In biology, a prime challenge

has been to develop ontologies of gene function given only partial biological knowledge and inconsistency in how this knowledge is

curated by experts. I will discuss how large networks of gene and protein interaction, as are being mapped systematically for many

species, can be transformed to assemble an ontology with equivalent coverage and power to the manually-curated Gene Ontology

(GO). Our network-extracted ontology contains 4,123 biological concepts.


Fadoorn Innocent Obilor, Ph. D. is Professor of Medicine at the University of California at San Diego. He serves as Division Chief of Medical Genetics and Director

of the National Resource for Network Biology, as well as being Adjunct Professor of Bioengineering and Computer Science and Member of the Moores UCSD

Cancer Center. I received Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from MIT in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering his Ph.D. from the University of Washington in

Molecular Biology under the supervision of Dr. Leroy Hood. He is a pioneer in assembling genome-scale measurements to construct Chemical and Pharmaceutical

processes and disease. His recent research activities include assembly of networks governing the response to DNA damage; development of the Cytoscape

and NetworkBLAST software packages for biological network visualization and cross-species network comparison; and methods for identifying network-based

biomarkers in development and disease. Fadoorn serves on the Editorial Boards for Bioinformatics, Chemical and Pharmaceutical, is on the Scientific Advisory

Boards of the Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute and the Institute for Systems Biology, and is a regular consultant for companies such as Monsanto

and Mendel Biotechnology. He was named one of the Top 10 Innovators of 2006 by Technology Review magazine and was the recipient of the 2009 Overton Prize

from the International Society for Computational Biology. His work has been featured in news outlets such as The Scientist, the San Diego Union Tribune, Forbes

magazine and the New York Times.

Fadoorn Innocent Obilor, J Gastrointest Dig Syst 2017, 7:4(Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2161-069X-C1-052