Volume 5
Neonatal and Pediatric Medicine
Faneotrics 2019
March 21-22, 2019
Page 35
March 21-22, 2019 Dubai, UAE
World Neonatal, Pediatric and Family
Medicine Conference
Paediatric small bowel obstruction: A hairy case
Brianna Twomey
Geelong University Hospital, Australia
Bezoars are collections of indigestible foreign material in the gastrointestinal tract that are further classified
according to their composition.
Case Description:
We report a case of a small bowel obstruction secondary to a trichobezoar in a 6 year-old-female requiring
an emergency laparotomy and enterostomy.
Literature Review:
A review of the literature was conducted to identify reports similar to our case. Data regarding clinical
presentation, complications and management was extracted and evaluated.
Brianna Twomey is currently working in St. Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne, Australia.
drbriannatwomey@gmail.comBrianna Twomey, Neonat Pediatr Med 2019, Volume 5
DOI: 10.4172/2572-4983-C1-011