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Volume 7, Issue 4 (Suppl)

J Clin Exp Pathol, an open access journal

ISSN: 2161-0681

Euro Pathology 2017

August 02-03, 2017

Page 46








August 02-03, 2017 Milan, Italy

Frederick Husher et al., J Clin Exp Pathol 2017, 7:4(Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2161-0681-C1-037

PRS – co-resident objective measure of IHC stain performance for process QC and diagnostic aid


he Process Record Slide (PRS) records the ImmunoHistoChemical (IHC) stain processing experience of a co-resident patient

tissue section using arrays of stain reagent detection targets. Both experience all the IHC processing from tissue capture to the

application of the cover slip: tissue capture, drying, deparaffination, antigen retrieval, primary antibody, and secondary amplification

processing. Because the PRS targets are comprised of known reactivity concentrations to the stain reagents, an objective measure that

is unique to that slide now exists remaining forever co-resident with the tissue section. The result is a captured efficacy record of the

antigen recovery, stain reagents, and the processing technology. The PRS targets can be used with digital imaging to quantify the IHC

processing upon the tissue section using the reference scales developed from the targets.The reference scales can be used for objective

determination of antigen density in the tissue and QC reporting of the process. Additionally, utilizing the reference scales, the tissue

section image presentation can be normalized to a preferred basis upon which optimal diagnostic determination can be achieved.

Tele-diagnostics and second opinion are also possible since the unique processing experience is recorded.

Others have attempted to produce control slides but have all failed in meeting the constraints of mass production at an affordable

price. Thus, only with the development of a new slide coating that meets the covalent binding needs of target & tissue, target printing

technology, and production automation, can the goals be satisfied. PRS technologies satisfies these goals.


Frederick Husher and Jee Shum have pursed and refined the development of the PRS for more than a decade and they have successfully resolved many technology

challenges including covalent adhesive slide coatings supporting both tissue and proteins, non-staining label paint, bio-target printing, and bio-target fabrication. A joint

venture with the Hong Kong Productivity Council, to co-develop the production technology, will bring the PRS into commercial reality to benefit global health.

Frederick Husher & Jee Shum

HS Technology LLC, USA