Volume 5, Issue 6(Suppl)
J Infect Dis Ther, an open access journal
ISSN: 2332-0877
Euro Infectious Diseases 2017
September 07-09, 2017
Page 34
September 07-09, 2017 | Paris, France
Infectious Diseases
Euro-Global Conference on
Janak Kishore, J Infect Dis Ther 2017, 5:6(Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2332-0877-C1-031
Clinical impact of parvovirus B19: Pioneer work from India projecting B19 as multi-organ disease
arvovirus B19 (B19) causes myriads of clinical diseases depending hosts immunological and haematological status. Still
most B19 infections under diagnosed and seldom treated and largely ignored due to undefined clinical impact and its
sinister complications besides limited diagnostic facilities and high cost of treatment by IVIG and even lack of awareness
in clinicians of all varied spectrum of B19 clinical manifestations are additional riders. Cryptically, B19 causes significant
morbidity/mortality and remains unrecognized global health problem. To unveil, we developed in-house diagnostic tools like
DNA extraction from serum samples, PCR, nested-PCR, IgM ELISA and IgG ELISA for specific detection of B19 DNA and
IgM antibodies to determine cases with acute infections and past infection. Then we determined B19 seroprevalence among
1000 voluntary blood donors and found 39.9% to be seropositive. Now this means that remaining 60% of Indians population
and similarly half of world adult population are at risk of acquiring B19 infections. We reported B19 cases ending fatally with
pure red cell aplasia, anaemia/thrombocytopenia with hepatitis and hemophagocytic syndrome. We detected B19 infections in
27.5% juvenile rheumatoid arthropathy (n=69), 19.8% recurrent aborters (n=116) in contrast to 11% of 136 pregnant-women
and 5% of 120 non-pregnant women; another report found B19 in 60% high-risk pregnant women (n=60), 17.1% paediatric
haematological malignancies (n=35), 41% beta-thalassemia major (n=90) besides transmission through donor units. Our novel
clinical associations of B19 included cases of megakaryocytic thrombocytopenia, myositis, non-occlusive ischemic gangrene
of stomach/bowel besides novel oncolytic property of B19. Cumulatively our data found 21.2% (135 of 639 cases) B19 infected
patients. B19 primarily recognized as tropic for erythroid progenitor’s due to binding to Gb4Cer and α5β1 integrins receptors.
This first review highlights recent data by which B19 is causing non-erythroid and multi tissue or multiorgan disease owing to
ability of B19 binding to multiple glycosphingolipids distributed widely; additionally B19 can infect vascular endothelial cells
that lines all blood vessels hence can affect major organs by causing endothelilitis and vasculitic injuries. Cytotoxicity, nuclease,
helicase, gene transactivation by B19 NS1, antibody-dependent enhancement are basic mechanisms. Hence B19 infections
should be investigated recognised, treated besides efforts on B19 vaccine.
Janak Kishore is a Chief of Serology and Molecular Virology in the department of Microbiology, Sanjay Gandhi Post-graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, India. He was an
Associate Editor Indian Journal of Virology, Member National Academy Medical Sciences, American societies and Fellow of JICA, Japan. His passion is on healing and minimising
human sufferings; on unveiling emerging viral infections and finding aetiologies in viral epidemics and in investigating undiagnosed/missed clinical infections so that appropriate
treatment is given and life is saved. He has taught for over 30 yrs with pioneer work on parvovirus B19, developed in-house molecular techniques and published three novel clinical
associations besides finding novel oncolytic property of B19. He also worked on
, enteroviral haemorrhagic conjunctivitis, rubella. He has published over 50 papers,
served as reviewer for reputed journals, organized conferences, Chaired sessions and frequently invited to speak at international conferences.
janaksgpgi@yahoo.co.inJanak Kishore
Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, India