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Volume 8, Issue 3 (Suppl)

J Clin Cell Immunol, an open access journal

ISSN: 2155-9899

Euro Immunology 2017

June 29-July 01, 2017

June 29-July 01, 2017 Madrid, Spain




Immunology Conference

Serodiagnosis of tuberculosis: Specific detection of antibodies against the Ag85C-MPT51-HspX fusion

protein (CMX)

Eduardo Martins de Sousa


, Adrielle Zagmignan


, Adeliane Castro da Costa



Ana Paula Junqueira Kipnis



Ceuma University, Brazil


Federal University of Goiás, Brazil


uberculosis (TB) is a major cause of the global infectious disease-related morbidity and mortality. In 2014, 9.6 million new TB

cases were estimated throughout the world, among which 1.5 million deaths occurred due to the infection. In the same year,

the incidence of TB in Brazil was 44 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, placing Brazil 16


among the 22 countries comprising 80% of

TB cases in the worldwide. The development of new tools for rapid and accurate diagnosis of active pulmonary TB is considered by

many countries to be a strategy for controlling the disease. The aim of this study was to apply the enzyme-linked immunosorbent

assay (ELISA) for measuring anti-CMX IgM antibodies in individuals with active pulmonary TB and healthy controls in an area

endemic for TB. Analysis of the clinical signs and symptoms showed that most individuals with active pulmonary TB more frequently

presented with a cough (94.7%), weight loss (83.4%), and, to a lesser extent, hemoptysis (37%). In addition, we evaluated the tests

that were used to diagnose TB. The chest X-ray (100%) and sputum smear microscopy (80%) were the most frequently used tests for

diagnosis; in contrast, only 33% of patients underwent computerized tomography, and microbiological culture was performed for

12%. Patients with active pulmonary TB had higher titers of anti-CMX IgM antibodies (optical density (OD=0.502±0.281; p=0.0001)

than healthy controls (OD=0.200±0.125). The cut-off for IgM-ELISA was determined using ROC curve analysis (AUC=0.868) with

a sensitivity of 80.1% and a specificity of 78.2%. These results suggest that the recombinant protein CMX can be used as a serological

marker for screening individuals suspected of having active pulmonary TB.


Eduardo Martins de Sousa holds a Bachelor's degree in Biomedicine, a Master’s degree in Tropical Medicine (Immunology) from the Institute of Tropical Pathology

and Public Health of the Federal Goiás University. He has obtained his PhD degree in Tropical Medicine (Immunology) from the Institute of Tropical Pathology and

Public Health of the Goiás Federal University, being part of a Sandwich Doctorate held at the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology of the University of Porto,

Portugal. Currently, he is a Professor of the Post-graduate program in Parasite Biology (Master’s degree) at the University Center of Maranhão (UNICEUMA). He is

an Associate Professor of Post-Graduate program in Biodiversity and Biotechnology of the Bionorte Network (PPG-BIONORTE) (Doctoral level). He has experience

in Immunology, with emphasis in Applied Immunology, working mainly on the following topics:

Mycobacterium tuberculosis


Mycobacterium massiliense


experimental infection, vaccine, flow cytometry, real-time PCR and mice.

Eduardo Martins de Sousa et al., J Clin Cell Immunol 2017, 8:3(Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2155-9899-C1-037