Page 58
Volume 7, Issue 4(Suppl)
J Alzheimers Dis Parkinsonism, an open access journal
ISSN: 2161-0460
Euro Dementia Care 2017
September 18-19, 2017
Dementia and Dementia Care
September 18-19, 2017 Dublin, Ireland
International Conference on
J Alzheimers Dis Parkinsonism 2017, 7:4(Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2161-0460-C1-028
Effects of physıcal actıvıty program on Cognıtıve functıon, Depressıon and qualıty of lıfe ın Alzheımer
patıents wıth fırst stage: A randomızed controlled trıal
Neslihan LOK, Muammer CANBAZ
Sefa LOK
Selçuklu Anatolian School, Turkey
: The aim of this study is to determine the effect of a Physical Activity Program for Alzheimer's patients with first stage on
their cognitive functions, depression and quality of life.
Materials and Methods
: This is single blinded randomized controlled trial. The experimental group included 75 Alzheimer's patients
(40 in the experimental group, 35 in the control group) who were determined by physicians, who were diagnosed with Alzheimer's,
who were in the moderate stage of the disease (SMMSE score: 23-24), and who were allowed to do physical activity practice. An
information form including the participants' sociodemographic characteristics and medical history, the Standardized Mini Mental
State Examination (SMMSE),The Quality of Life–Alzheimer’s Disease scale (QoL–AD) and Beck Depression Scales were used for
data collection. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS 18.0 (IBM, Armonk, USA). Continuous data was presented as medians
(interquartile range), categorical data as counts and percentages. The researchers used descriptive statistics, including numbers,
percentages, means and standard deviations.
: This study showed that the physical activity program improved the cognitive functions, depression and quality of life of
Alzheimer's patients first stage (p<0.05). These results suggest that regular physical activity programs should be used in routine
practices to prevent the decline of cognitive functions, depression and to the improve quality of life of first stage Alzheimer's patients.
: According to this study's findings, the cognitive functions, depression and quality of life of first stage Alzheimer's patients
improved thanks to a Physical Activity Program.
: Alzheimer patients, Physical Activity Program, cognitive functions, depression, quality of life, randomized controlled