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Clinical Pharmacology & Biopharmaceutics | ISSN : 2167-065X

Volume 7

September 18-19, 2018 | Amsterdam, Netherlands



European Biopharma Congress

Euro Biopharma 2018

Violina T Angelova et al., Clin Pharmacol Biopharm 2018, Volume:7

DOI: 10.4172/2167-065X-C1-029

Molecular dynamics model of melatonin and MT1 receptor


elatonin receptor (MT1) is an attractive target for elaboration of new drug candidates,

but unfortunately is known to be unstable out of the membrane lipid bilayer, which

makes the obtaining of a crystal structure by X-Ray diffraction (XRD) an elusive goal. Up to

now, there is no published real structure suitable for docking of new ligands targeting this

receptor. However, there are lots of model based on the data from crystallized rhodopsin,

but they are too artificial for reasonable docking of drug-like candidate molecules. To

overcome these drawbacks, we built an

in silico

molecular model of a melatonin receptor

in membrane bilayer in water cell, with explicit water molecules. For that purpose, we used

GROMACS molecular mechanics software with GROMOS force field and TYP3P water

model. Calculations were carried out in periodic boundary conditions at 300 K and one

bar pressure, physiological NaCl content and pH7. By the simulation, we caught the act of

melatonin entering the receptor which enlightened a wide variety of interactions that can

facilitate or to disturb the movement of melatonin to the hardly accessible active site of

MT1. Molecular docking of the drug like candidates was performed on receptor model. The

information can be used along with data obtained from the structure of melatonin-receptor

complex to construct new analogs of melatonin, capable not only to activate the receptor

but also to successfully manage their way to the MT1 binding site.


Violina TAngelova has completed her PhD in Organic Chemistry from Institute of Organic Chemistry with Centre of

Phytochemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Science, in 2004. She has 22 years of research experience and published

more than 29 papers in reputed journals. Currently, she is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy,

Medical University of Sofia.

Violina T Angelova

Institute of Neurobiology



Miroslav Rangelov



Nadezhda Todorova


Jana Tchekalarova



IOCCP, BAS, Bulgaria


IBER, Bulgaria


Institute of Neurobiology - BAS, Bulgaria