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Volume 8
Epidemiology: Open Access
ISSN: 2161-1165
Epidemiology 2018
September 17-19, 2018
September 17-19, 2018 | Rome, Italy
International Conference on
Epidemiology & Public Health
Airborne outdoor and indoor particles – Abundle of epidemiological and exposure studies in Leipzig
Ulrich Franck
Helmholtz Centre of Environmental Research – UFZ, Germany
his bundle includes four studies, which demonstrate the following chain: Exposure to particles of different size fractions
increases the risks for specific diseases in varying degrees. The contribution of airborne outdoor particles on indoor
particle concentrations depends on their aerodynamic diameter. The measured indoor particle concentrations in different
sizes fractions are predictors of airway diseases. Urban landscape metrics are related to ambient particle concentrations and
may help to develop healthier city structures. Because hypertension is symptomatic for many pathogenic cardiovascular
processes we investigated all 23,741 emergency service calls related to hypertensive crisis in the city of Leipzig within one year.
Particle exposure was determined for the particle sizes <100 nm (UFP), <2.5 μm (PM2.5) and <10 μm (PM10). A significant
effect was found for particles with a size of < 100 nm in diameter and starting with a lag of 2 days after exposure. No consistent
influence could be observed for PM2.5 and PM10. Because people in Europe typically spend the majority of their time indoors
we investigated the indoor/outdoor concentrations ratios in the absence of significant indoor sources. At closed windows, the
indoor concentrations are always lower than the outdoor concentrations but concentration ratios strongly depend on particle
size. There exists a time delay for correlation of indoor to outdoor concentrations and smaller outdoor particles are highest
correlated with larger indoor particles. Measured indoor particle are predictors of bronchitis with and without fever in young
children. The effect depends on particle size. Indoor smoking (outside the children’s room and outside measuring time) and
streets with dense traffic in front of the window of children’s room contribute to indoor particle concentrations. Landscape
measures of urban structure are correlated with particle exposure in city districts and may therefore help to improve exposure
Recent Publications:
1. Franck, U.; Herbarth, O.; Röder, S.; Schlink, U.; Borte, M.; Diez, U.; Kramer, U.; Lehmann, I. Respiratory effects of
indoor particles in young children are size dependent. Sci Total Environ. 409: 1621-1631; 2011
2. Franck, U.; Klimeczek, H.-J.; Kindler, A. Social indicators are predictors of airborne outdoor exposures in Berlin.
Ecological Indicators. 36: 582-593; 2014
3. Franck, U.; Leitte, A.M., Suppan, P. Multifactorial airborne exposures and respiratory hospital admissions — The
example of Santiago de Chile; Sci. Total Environ. 502: 114 – 121; 2015
4. Franck, U.; Odeh, S.; Wiedensohler, A.; Wehner, B.; Herbarth, O. The effect of particle size on cardiovascular disorders-
-the smaller the worse. Sci Total Environ. 409: 4217-4221; 2011
5. Kindler, A., Klimeczek, H.-J., Franck, U., (2018):
6. Socio-spatial distribution of airborne outdoor exposures – An indicator for environmental quality, quality of life, and
environmental justice : the case study of Berlin; in: Kabisch, S. et al. (eds.). Urban transformations; Future City 10;
Springer International Publishing, Cham, p. 257 – 279
7. Weber, N.; Haase, D.; Franck, U. Assessing modelled outdoor traffic-induced noise and air pollution around urban
structures using the concept of landscape metrics. Landscape and Urban Planning. 125: 105-116; 2014.
Ulrich Franck main research areas are environmental epidemiology and health, human outdoor and indoor exposure with a special focus on airborne particulates
and VOC, and urban exposures and environmental justice.
ulrich.franck@ufz.deUlrich Franck, Epidemiology (Sunnyvale) 2018, Volume 8
DOI: 10.4172/2161-1165-C1-021