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Volume 8
Epidemiology: Open Access
ISSN: 2161-1165
Epidemiology 2018
September 17-19, 2018
September 17-19, 2018 | Rome, Italy
International Conference on
Epidemiology & Public Health
Ecords of violence against the elderly people in specialized delegacy
Carolinne Kilcia Caravalho Sena
, Cristina Maria Miranda de Sousa
, Cristina Maria Miranda de Sousa
, Marly Marques Rêgo Neta
, Érica Jorgiana dos
Santos De Morais
, Lucilene da Silva Silva
, Lucilene da Silva Silva
, Samara Karine Sena Fernandes Vieira
, Adélia Dalva da Silva Oliveira
, Eduardo
Cairo Oliveira Cordeiro
, Davi Lavor Néri Rodrigues
Davi Said Araújo
Uninovafapi University Center, Brazil
University of Fortaleza, Brazil
According to the Brazilian elderly STATUTE, people OVER 60 years are considered elderly. They represent a
group vulnerable to violence of all kinds, since, insofar as they need more attention and care for their own biological course of
life, they are affected by loss of functional capacities, which makes them fragile and dependent on others people. Objective: to
characterize the violence against the elderly person registered in the specialized police station.
Exploratory, qualitative approach, carried out with secondary data recorded in the Occurrence Bulletins (BO) of the
Office of Safety and Protection for the Elderly in Teresina-Piauí. The sample consists of 200 elderly. Participants were selected
by simple random sampling. From a universe of 5,621 BOs only 600 BOs were selected and then every 2 tokens one will be
chosen for the research generating 200 BOs.
As for the profile of the elderly, the predominant gender was the female gender (149), originated in the city of Teresina
(196). In relation to the types of violence, psychological violence was more frequent (118), followed by physical (92), financial
and economic (55), sexual (4) and abandonment (1). As to the characterization of the participants according to the attachment
to the aggressor, the children are responsible (106) followed by the grandchildren with (24). It is worth mentioning that most
of the aggressors reside with the victim (129), indicating that most cases of violence against the elderly occurs in the context
of domestic and family violence.
The study contributed to present the scenario of violence against the elderly in the State of Piauí-Brazil and will
contribute to the creation of new public policies aimed at minimizing this type of violence and discussing possible solutions
to this problem.
Recent Publications:
1. de Oliveira, M. L. C., Gomes, A. C. G., Amaral, C. P. M., & dos Santos, L. B. (2012). 3. Characteristics of the elderly
victims of domestic violence in the Federal District.
Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia, 15
(3), 555-566.
2. da Silva, R. F., do Nascimento Paixão, G. P., Rebouças, T. C. S., Alves, M. B., Salvado, M. A., & da Silva, R. S. (2014).
The profile of notified violence against elderly people in the microregion of the lord of the Bonfim-Ba.
Ciência &
Desenvolvimento-Revista Eletrônica da FAINOR, 7
3. Garbin, C. A. S., Joaquim, R. C., Rovida, T. A. S., & Garbin, A. J. I. (2016). Elderly victims of abuse: a five year
document analysis.
Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia, 19
(1), 87-94.
4. QUINTAS, M., & CORTINA, I. (2010). Violence against the elderly in the family environment.
Revista de Enfermagem
(2), 120-124.
5. Sales Silva, C. F., & de Souza Brito Dias, C. M. (2016). Violence Against the Elderly in the Family: Motivations, Feelings
and Needs of the Aggressor.
Psicologia Ciência e Profissão, 36
Carolinne Sena Graduated in nursing by the Faculty of Health, Humanities and Technological Sciences of Piauí (2008) and graduation in advertising by the Center
of Unified Education of Teresina (2002). She is currently Coordinator of the Center for Continuing Education and Maternal Health Practices Dona Evangelina Rosa
(MDER), member of the Research Ethics Committee of MDER and is a professor of the nursing course of UNINOVAFAPI University Center. PhD student in Biomedical
Engineering, University of Vale do Paraíba (UNIVAP). She is a Master in Family Health at the Uninovafapi University Center and holds a postgraduate degree in
Collective Health and Family Health (2007) from Cruzeiro do Sul University and a postgraduate degree in Marketing (2004) from Universidade Federal do Piauí. Kilcia Caravalho Sena et al., Epidemiology (Sunnyvale) 2018, Volume 8
DOI: 10.4172/2161-1165-C1-021