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Volume 7, Issue 5 (Suppl)

Epidemiology (Sunnyvale), an open access journal

ISSN: 2161-1165

Epidemiology 2017

October 23-25, 2017

Page 43






October 23-25, 2017 | Paris, France



International Conference on

Number of smokers

: 18, representing 27.27% of the total sample, at the beginning of the study. They completed 17, 1 died, the

2 who proposed to reduce the amount of cigarettes daily achieved their goal, smoking only 10 of 20 cigarettes a day, and 12 of

40 cigarettes a day. It was recorded that 01 patient suffers from Cardiometabolic Syndrome. There are 04 patients suffering from

type 2 diabetes. One patient suffers from hyperthyroidism. One patient had acute myocardial infarction with posterior stenting

and pacemaker placement, 01 suffering from osteoporosis and osteoporosis. Only 40% of hypertensive patients usually follow

the treatment.


: It was demonstrated that when hypertensive patients perform physical activities and lose weight, it is possible to

reduce tension figures. Smoking is a toxic habit that denotes a great psychic dependence for those who suffer from it, which is

why patients were advised of psychological consultations and controls that would help overcome this addiction.


Roberto Antonio Flores has been Graduated from the National University of Tucuman, Argentina as Medical Doctor, with the specialties including Internal Medicine, Social

and Community Medicine. He did diploma in Cardiology from the National University of Tucuman and Medical Clinic National Academy of Medicine Argentina. Later on he

obtained his post-graduation from National University of Cuyo with subjects Pharmacology & Biology and then started working at The Nurses School, Faculty of Human-

ities, Social Sciences and Health, National University of Santiago del Estero, Argentina where he has continued his research. Presently he has been working at the at the

Regional Hospital Dr. Ramon Carrillo, Santiago del Estero City.