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Volume 7, Issue 2 (Suppl)
J Ecosyst Ecography, an open access journal
September 18-20, 2017
September 18-20, 2017 Toronto, Canada
Joint Conference
International Conference on
International Conference on
Environmental Microbiology and Microbial Ecology
Ecology and Ecosystems
Effects of bacterial inoculants on soil microbiomes and biodegradation in hydrocarbon contaminated soils
Coppotelli B M
Center for Research and Development in Industrial Fermentation (CINDEFI) La Plata, Argentina
ver the years, we have collected different bacterial strains belonging to
family, which have in common
the ability to degrade PAH (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons). Their genomes have been fully sequenced (WGS) showing
similarities in genes codifying enzymes involved in PAH degradation. All of them showed different degradation kinetics in cultures
with phenanthrene as sole carbon source. This differences were confirmed when were inoculated in soil contaminated with
phenanthrene. The bioaugmentation of the strain
Sphingomonas paucimobilis
20006FA revealed a reduction in genetic and functional
diversity of soil, and the accumulation of toxic phenanthrene metabolites reducing efficiency in phenanthrene degradation. This
effect was not observed when a similar experiment was performed with
sp. AM strain, suggesting that despite coding
for the same enzymes the genes of the strains would be regulated differently. The effect of the inoculation with strain 20006FA and
sp. 22B (more resistant to C-starvation and drying conditions) on contaminated soil in a desiccation environment,
suggests that strain 22B is the most suitable due to its adaptation to the usual environmental conditions. The effect of bioaugmentation
sp. AM strain on different soils microbiomes (chronically and recently contaminated soil) revealed an increase in
the richness and diversity (pyrosequencing) in both contaminated microbiomes. An improvement in the elimination of phenanthrene
occurred only in recently contaminated soil. In all cases, there was evidence of the establishment of the inoculants, which occurred
together with the modification of the microbiome of the soils. It was verified that the establishment of an inoculant in the soil does not
necessarily correlate with the increase of the desired catabolic capacities, in our case the degradation of PAH, because it could have
been established in function of other resources. We have observed that efficiency of an inoculant in soil is not directly related to its
genetic potential but to other physiological properties, which could be translated in a distinctive environmental behavior.
Coppotelli B M has her expertise in microbial bioremediation and passion in contributing to environmental care. Her studies on hydrocarbon degrading bacterial
strains and consortia have contributed to the world of microbial ecology, getting insight into ecology that drives bacterial communities in response to inoculation
and biochemical processes of contaminant elimination in soils and sediments and interactions among bacterial community members. It allows contributing our
understanding and helping in designing appropriate management and cleanup of contaminated ecosystems.
bibicoppotelli@gmail.comCoppotelli B M, J Ecosyst Ecography 2017, 7:2 (Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2157-7625-C1-029