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Volume 09

Otolaryngology: Open Access

ISSN: 2161-119X

ENT 2019

Craniofacial Surgery 2019

August 15-17, 2019




August 15-17, 2019 Rome, Italy




International Conference on

Craniofacial Surgery



European Otolaryngology-ENT Surgery Conference

Oromyofunctional management of allergic patient after Adenoidectomy

Taísa Giannecchini

University of São Paulo, Brazil


n the speech-language clinic, respiratory disorders are frequent and involve a large number of school-aged patients.

Oromyofunctional therapy is constantly preparing to deal with the consequences of allergic crises, seeking

the appropriateness of breathing and other oral functions. The objective of the present study was to demonstrate

the effectiveness of speech and language therapy in a case of allergic patients, as well as the importance of early

intervention. Method: This study was submitted to the Research Ethics Committee, the person responsible signed

the Free and Informed Consent Form and the child signed the Term of Assent. A bibliographic survey of the national

scientific literature was published in PubMed, with articles published between 2005 and 2017, on speech-language

pathology in this area, in order to prepare the appropriate therapy. For the patient, the diagnosis of Infections

of the upper airways defined the prognosis, being considered a limit imposed by the respiratory pathology and

the discussion with the multidisciplinary team defined the conduct to be taken by priorities: treatment with the

otorhinolaryngologist, speech patologist and physiotherapist. The 5-year-old child with diagnosis of allergic rhinitis

and severe myofunctional orofacial and cervical dysfunction was submitted to 12 oromyofunctional work sessions

with emphasis on nasal aerationwork among allergic crises in order to achieve improvement in patient responsiveness

treatment. As results, the patient presented increased immunity and longer interval between seizures. Stimulation of

nasal breathing between crises helps prevent inflammation secondary to allergies, improving the patient's prognosis.

Recent Publications


Giannecchini T. Speech Motor Control: stimulation of non-verbal Praxis to phonemes placement. I Archives

of Otorhinol. 2014;18(1):118.


Giannecchini T, Padovani M. Verbal Praxis in adults: speech in excellence. I Archives of Otorhinol. August



Dr. Taísa Giannecchini is a Clinical Speech-Language Pathologist, PhD in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, PhD in Speech-Language Pathology

- Speech Disorders - University of São Paulo, Campus Bauru, and expert in Language by the Federal Council of Speech Therapy - Brazil, professor of

improvement and specialization courses in several centers in Brazil and Portugal.

Taísa Giannecchini, Otolaryngol (Sunnyvale) 2019, Volume 09