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Volume 09

Otolaryngology: Open Access

ISSN: 2161-119X

ENT 2019

Craniofacial Surgery 2019

August 15-17, 2019




August 15-17, 2019 Rome, Italy




International Conference on

Craniofacial Surgery



European Otolaryngology-ENT Surgery Conference

Measurement of cognitive load and heart rate variability during a Video-Based Learning for the

Acquisition of History Taking and Physical Examination Skills

Li-Ang Lee

Linkou-Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan (ROC)


ideo-based learning represents an effective way to reduce cognitive load (CL) when teaching a complex task.

However, how best to assess the effects of different CL measures is unknown. In this preliminary study, we

assessed the impact of subjective or objective CL measures on learning experiences and outcomes with a video-based

learning for history taking and physical examinations. Twenty undergraduate medical students were prospectively

enrolled and randomly assigned to a 360° virtual reality (VR) video group and 2-dimensional (2D) video group

with different visual angles and self-determinations. Standard deviation of normal to normal R wave intervals in the

360° VR video group were significantly higher than those in the 2D video group. Difference in learning experiences

and Mini-CEX scores between both groups were not statistically significant whereas global satisfaction of the 360°

VR video group was significantly better than that of the 2D group. Temporal demand could independently predict

overall clinical competence whereas the 360° VR video independently predicted global satisfaction in multivariate

analyses. Our preliminary results suggested that subjective and objective CL measures have considerable potentials

when assessing the role of CL/autonomic nervous system fluctuations in video-based learning for the acquisition of

history taking and physical examination skills.

Recent Publications


Lee LA, Fang TJ, Li HY, Huang CG, Chen TC, Liao CT, Kang CJ, Chang KP, Yen TC. Low expression of pRB

predicts disease relapse in early glottic cancer treated with transoral laser microsurgery. Laryngoscope. 2019



Lu CT, Li HY, Lee GS, Huang YS, Huang CG, Chen NH, Lee LA. Snoring sound energy as a potential

biomarker for disease severity and surgical response in childhood obstructive sleep apnoea: A pilot study.

Clin Otolaryngol. 2019 Jan;44(1):47-52.

Li-Ang Lee, Otolaryngol (Sunnyvale) 2019, Volume 09