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Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders

Volume 8

Otolaryngology: Open Access

ENT Conference 2018

May 14-15, 2018

Page 24





May 14-15, 2018 Osaka, Japan



International Conference on

Updates in tinnitus -can biomodulation be a safe and easy way for relief?


innitus is a global problem with significant healthcare costs and a complex central origin. There is a lack of evidence-based,

non-expensive and risk-free treatments that are also not time consuming, especially for those with mild to moderate

symptoms. Coherent brain activity is seen in healthy subjects without awareness of tinnitus in a quiet and calm environment

in resting state recordings. On the contrary, sufferers of tinnitus are characterized by hyperactivity in the auditory cortex and

a changed global brain network. Important increased activation in networks involving the auditory cortex and amygdala have

been seen in imaging studies of subjects with tinnitus. This indicates that coherency is an important factor in maintaining

a non-tinnitus equilibrium in the hearing system for humans. The steady state biomodulator patch is a Swedish innovation

with a patented microscopic fractal and Fourier transforming raster that generates a low frequency, coherent invisible light

with higher organization, that affects water in general. This raster turns ordinary water into a coherent and more organized

form, creating a spreading self-organization process, which relates on a long-range correlation between water molecules. The

hypothesis is that the biomodulator patch can stabilize and desensitize the auditory system by creating an overall coherency,

thus resulting in tinnitus relief.


Peter Åhnblad has completed MD from Karolinska Institute in 1993 and is a trained ENT specialist with degree in 2000 from Karolinska University Hospital. He is

the founder and chief phycisian of the ENT clinic Sickla ÖNH-center. He is the principle investigator of the clinical study program with the biomodulator since 2010

with several publications.

Peter Ahnblad

Sickla ÖNH-center, Sweden

Peter Ahnblad, Otolaryngol (Sunnyvale) 2018, Volume 8

DOI: 10.4172/2161-119X-C1-024