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Volume 8, Issue 8 (Suppl)
J Earth Sci Clim Change
ISSN: 2157-7617 JESCC, an open access journal
Earth Science Congress 2017
September 18-19, 2017
September 18-19, 2017 Hong Kong
International Conference on
Earth Science and Climate Change
Light and water holographic protective manipulations in geoecological human safety system during
heliophysical changes
Taisia Kuznetsova
International Scientific Research Institute of Cosmic Anthropoecology, Russia
hemaingoal of the research is to studypossible techniques of slowingdown the process of aging and reducing the dependency
of the human body on various malicious heliophysical factors with the help of modern holographic technologies. In July
2014 in Bulgaria, in collaboration with G. Veselinova from Varna, we conducted a test for the “Stop Time” technological
restorative complex project designed to slow down the aging process in humans with no medication involved. In the course
of 7 days, the 36 volunteers were asked to test helio-geroprotective effectiveness of holographic drinking water, balneotherapy
in holographically processed water and helioprotective sunglasses and milk. It was discovered that 70-80% of the volunteers
have shown clear signs of anti-aging tendencies, for example, on helio-dependence of neuro-physiological reactions speed-
MT SVMR. From May to June 2015 at the Apsara Wellness Center (Novosibirsk, Russia) took place a trial research of two
new holograms of a reflective type, produced in partnership with Holoart company. The holograms contained helioprotective
information structured in a new way. The 12 volunteers wore holographic helioprotective sunglasses for 5 minutes, first
with hologram N1 (control), then N2. To evaluate the changes in physiological parameters during the interaction between
holographic information and eye retinas, as well as cerebral cortex and subcortex we used the VedaPulse pulse diagnostics
complex. The effectiveness of water and light holographic impact on the basic functional systems of human body was proven
during physiological testing. It manifested itself in clear anti-aging functional tendencies: A decrease in pulse wave velocity and
a speedup of neurophysiological processes. The unique non-medication healing complex “StopTime” proved its effectiveness
and readiness to be implemented in various places across the world. Human body functional systems possess an ability to react
to cosmophysical events before they take place. This is very importantly for best human adaptation to helio-climatic changes.
Kuznetsova Taisia has completed her PhD in Chronic Neurogenic Hyperventilation. She has participated in ISRICA’s various research projects: Pakal Votan 2005,
Solar Eclipse 2008, Holographic Eclipse 2009, OARION 2015 and in a number of helioprotective water trials in Kozyrev’s Space, etc.
taisia.ill@mail.ruTaisia Kuznetsova, J Earth Sci Clim Change 2017, 8:8 (Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2157-7617-C1-031