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Volume 8, Issue 8 (Suppl)

J Earth Sci Clim Change

ISSN: 2157-7617 JESCC, an open access journal

Earth Science Congress 2017

September 18-19, 2017

Page 18





September 18-19, 2017 Hong Kong



International Conference on

Earth Science and Climate Change

Climate changes are the result of heliophysical pressing during geomagnetic deprivation: New type

of holograms and drinking water as effective preventive means


e believe that recently in sequence of climatic and heliophysical events the state of our magnetosphere plays the main

role. From the end of the 20th century the full vector of the magnetic field of the earth is gradually weakening and the

buffering properties of the earth’s magnetosphere, which protects biosystems from excess solar proton-electron beams, are

decreasing. Using modeled weakening of the geomagnetic field we had to answer the question: What are the possible biotropic

consequences of heliophysical pressing for earth’s climate, human genes and health? Our main aim was to develop preventive

non-medicinal technologies: Holograms of new type, drinking water “HELIO-STAR” and water with transmitted preventive

information from high latitudes ice of last glacial period, more than 15000 years ago (holograms “AURORA”). At simulated

weakening of the geomagnetic fields there were revealed significant associations of heliophysical parameters and parameters

that reflect the activity of the brain, heart and other human functional systems with their dynamics under the influence of

biotropic holographic information about different earth’s climatic periods. The phenomenon of increasing of human organism’s

sensitivity to information concerning climatic changes during past epochs was opened. The non-medicinal means on the basis

of holograms of new type and drinking water treated by light streams going through or reflected as mirrors from the climatic

holograms, which reduce the excess heliomagnetic and meteotropic reactions of a man and promote prevention of crisis states

(on an example of patients with hypertension) during solar and magnetic storms were developed and successfully tested.


Alexander Trofimov has completed his Doctor Diploma in Novosibirsk State Medical University in 1973 and degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences in 1998. He has

served as Professor (1999), Academician of International Academy Energy-Informative Sciences (2001), Academician of ABI, USA (2010), General Director and

Chief of Scientific Council of International Scientific Research Institute of Cosmoplanetary Anthropoecology (ISRICA), named after academician V.P. Kaznacheev

(1994-2016) and Chief of Laboratory Helioclimatopathology of Science Center of Clinical and Experimental Medicine of Siberian Department of Russian Academy

of Medical Science (until 2010 year). His basic research interests include heliobiology, cosmic anthropoecology, geoecology, geophysics, helioclimatopathology

and preventive medicine.

Alexander Trofimov

International Scientific Research Institute of Cosmoplanetary Anthropoecology, Russia

Alexander Trofimov, J Earth Sci Clim Change 2017, 8:8 (Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2157-7617-C1-029