Volume 8, Issue 8 (Suppl)
J Earth Sci Clim Change
ISSN: 2157-7617 JESCC, an open access journal
Earth Science Congress 2017
September 18-19, 2017
Page 16
September 18-19, 2017 Hong Kong
International Conference on
Earth Science and Climate Change
Carbon resource recycling appropriate technology for sustainable solutions of climate change and
water resources
urrently, global warming is an emerging issue to all over the world. The goal of reducing our greenhouse gas emissions
gives us an opportunity to search for a new solution. Carbon capture utilization and storage technology is a significant
world top technology tool to reduce and utilization of CO
. In Korea, a new “21C Frontier Project” started and established
a Center for Resource Recycling working on CCUS. This research results revealed that demonstration/commercialization of
two technologies such as low carbon green cement and
in situ
PCC waste paper recycling technology. In 2012 DOE started a
coordinated updates of “Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage” potential across over United States and MIT suggested green
concrete/cement manufacture is one of the top 10 emerging technologies in 2010. In Korea, carbon mineralization technology
is the center of excellent, could start a new CDM model, carbon credits and recycling of waste resources for resource security
strategy. CO
is utilized for green algae removal, human waste water recycling and hard water treatment by using carbonation
process. The developed technology provides the solution for urban mine recycling such as critical elements extraction from
waste mineral, manufacture of green cement, permeable concrete for smart city, carbonated materials for mining backfill and
sink holes and precipitated calcium carbonates as advanced materials for light weight plastics. The carbon resources recycling
appropriate technologies are the real solutions for sustainable climate change.
Ji Whan Ahn has completed her BS, MS and PhD degrees in Mining and Minerals Engineering from Inha University and she has another Master’s degree
in Resources Environmental Economics from Yonsei University. Currently she is working as an Executive Director in Carbon Resource Recycling Appropriate
Technology Center, Korea Institute of Geosciences and Mineral Resources, President for Korea Institute of Limestone & Advanced Materials, Chairperson and Vice
President of Korea Institute of Resources and Recycling. She is the Representative for ISO 102 (Iron Ore) from South Korea. She has published more than 175
papers, 716 proceedings papers/conference presentations and 71 patents. She has received many awards for her research excellence which include: National
Science Merit (Presidential Citation Award), The Excellent Research award from Ministry of Knowledge Economy and The First Women Ceramist award, etc.
ahnjw@kigam.re.krJi Whan Ahn
Korea Institute of Geosciences and Mineral Resources, South Korea
Ji Whan Ahn, J Earth Sci Clim Change 2017, 8:8 (Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2157-7617-C1-029