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Digital Pathology & Pathologists 2016
December 05-06, 2016
Volume 6 Issue 5(Suppl)
J Clin Exp Pathol
ISSN: 2161-0681 JCEP, an open access journal
December 05-06, 2016 Madrid, Spain
World Digital Pathology & Pathologists Congress
Ichiro Mori et al., J Clin Exp Pathol 2016, 6:5(Suppl) of international WSI telepathology consultation with eastern Asian countries
Ichiro Mori and Yoshiyuki R Osamura
International University of Health and Welfare, Japan
sing digital pathology, we made several trials of international WSI (Whole Slide Imaging) telepathology consultation
with eastern Asian countries. In eastern Asia, there is big difference of infrastructures between countries. This work is
supported by Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. We set up a consortium with Hamamatsu photonics for WSI
scanner, Sakura Finetek for pathology equipment, Toshiba Medical Systems for radiological images and Panasonic System
Solutions for Network and TV conference system. We mainly tried real time online teleconference using WSI images. In
particular, we prepared interesting cases prior the teleconference, scan to WSI and stored in the server. Attended pathologists
observed these WSIs before the teleconference, make diagnosis and leave the diagnosis document to the server. One of our
members visited to their hospitals and he moderate the teleconference. Discussion through teleconference system was made
in English. The WSI images maintained adequate quality for pathology diagnosis even looked from abroad. The diagnoses
matched well between hospitals. The response of WSI viewer depended on the web speed. Infrastructure including Web speed
was differed between countries. When we shared band width to the teleconference system or radiological images sent in the
background, the response deteriorates and was not good enough for diagnosis. It was confirmed that there is no problem in
international remote diagnosis using WSI. The international WSI telepathology diagnosis is now in a stage of practical use.
Remaining issues are language, quality of glass slides, difference in diagnosis criteria, economical and responsibility issues, etc.
Finally, based on these experiments, we came to agreement with Vietnamese Government and decide to open a multiphasic
health check facility in Ho-Chi-Minh city, Vietnam.
Ichiro Mori has completed his PhD from Gunma University and Postdoctoral studies from Tokai University School of Medicine. He is a Professor of Pathology, Mita
Hospital, International University of Health and Welfare. He has published more than 25 papers in reputed journals.