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Volume 6, Issue 8(Suppl)

J Gastrointest Dig Syst 2016

ISSN:2161-069X JGDS, an open access journal

Page 48


Digestive Diseases 2016

December 08-09, 2016



Digestive Diseases

December 08-09, 2016 Dubai, UAE

International Conference on

Lap management of huge diaphragmatic defects

Faheem A Elbassiony

Kasr El Aini Hospital, Egypt


iatal hernia is a common surgical finding particularly with GERD. However the size of the hiatus is sometimes too big and can

accommodate most of stomach and even other abdominal viscera (Type4 HH). Huge defects can also be congenital that may

present early in infancy and childhood or otherwise the presentation can be delayed to adulthood. It can also be the result of trauma

where the diaphragmatic injury can pass unnoticed especially in blunt trauma and can present long time after the original event.

Complications in huge diaphragmatic defects are common (upto 45%) and mortality is high if neglected (upto 50%). Complications

include obstruction, volvulus, strangulation, bleeding, and perforation in addition to pulmonary and nutritional complications.

Surgical intervention is the only option to manage these cases and in every case the application of a mesh should be considered due

to the big size of the defects and/or to prevent recurrence. Short esophagus is another problem that should be solved especially in

longstanding HH. In this work we present our experience in managing such cases with video clips


Faheem A Elbassiony is currently working in Kasr El Aini Hospital, Egypt

Faheem A Elbassiony, J Gastrointest Dig Syst 2016, 6:8(Suppl)